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Dear ISA Members the 2024 Annual Meeting minutes were published including the revised accounts.
2024 AGCM Minutes to download


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Technical Articles
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Attention to the deck at the mast step area. - Technical -
The Soling and her rigging is a very solid thing but there is one area what needs to keep your eye on: The deck area around the mast step is a sandwich plywood with gelcoat covered on top- and under deckside. If the boatbuilder "forgot" to use marinesealant before mounting the mast step water will come through the holes for the bolts to  ...      Posted on 29/09/2021 by Thomas Maschkiwitz, read by 1062 Comments 0    
Attention to the deck at the mast step area. - Technical -
The Soling and her rigging is a very solid thing but there is one area what needs to keep your eye on: The deck area around the mast step is a sandwich plywood with ge...
      Posted on 29/09/2021 by Thomas Maschkiwitz, read by 1062 Comments 0    
Attention to the deck at the mast step area. - Technical -
The Soling and her rigging is a very solid thing but there is one area what needs to keep your eye on: The deck area around the mast step is a sandwich plywood with gelcoat covered on top- and under deckside. If the boatbuilder "forgot" to use marinesealant before mounting the mast step water will come through the holes for the bolts to  ...
     Posted on 29/09/2021 by Thomas Maschkiwitz, read by 1062 Comments 0    
Correcting Deficient Boat Speed or Height
In several races recently I've suddenly recognized that my speed or height was deficient and been initially unsure what to do and in what sequence to do it. I decided to create a plan of action that would insure a more rapid response in the future and thought my scheme might be of general interest. I. Basic Concepts - A. Whene  ...      Posted on 23/09/2011 by Stuart Walker, read by 2516 Comments 3    
Correcting Deficient Boat Speed or Height
In several races recently I've suddenly recognized that my speed or height was deficient and been initially unsure what to do and in what sequence to do it. I decided...
      Posted on 23/09/2011 by Stuart Walker, read by 2516 Comments 3    
Correcting Deficient Boat Speed or Height
In several races recently I've suddenly recognized that my speed or height was deficient and been initially unsure what to do and in what sequence to do it. I decided to create a plan of action that would insure a more rapid response in the future and thought my scheme might be of general interest. I. Basic Concepts - A. Whene  ...
     Posted on 23/09/2011 by Stuart Walker, read by 2516 Comments 3    
Weight effect -
We had an interesting discussion (led by Hans Fogh) at the 2009 Worlds. The major consideration was Roman Koch`s speed - in almost all conditions. And not just to windward (and certainly not on a reach which we never do anymore and where weight has its greatest effect). He is fast downwind - in smooth water and in waves - but (I think) part  ...      Posted on 06/11/2009 by Stuart Walker, read by 2793 Comments 2    
Weight effect -
We had an interesting discussion (led by Hans Fogh) at the 2009 Worlds. The major consideration was Roman Koch`s speed - in almost all conditions. And not just to w...
      Posted on 06/11/2009 by Stuart Walker, read by 2793 Comments 2    
Weight effect -
We had an interesting discussion (led by Hans Fogh) at the 2009 Worlds. The major consideration was Roman Koch`s speed - in almost all conditions. And not just to windward (and certainly not on a reach which we never do anymore and where weight has its greatest effect). He is fast downwind - in smooth water and in waves - but (I think) part  ...
     Posted on 06/11/2009 by Stuart Walker, read by 2793 Comments 2    
Soling righting moment, stability, ORC certificate -updated
After a great interest in this topic, Nicola Sironi has updated the Soling stability document found in the link below and also produced a ORC club certificate for the Soling To those who want to calculate the rating for a Soling, this is possible and was time ago calculated for IMS. Following there are two documents, one related to the righ  ...      Posted on 20/10/2009 by Jean-Pierre Marmier, read by 2896 Comments 0    
Soling righting moment, stability, ORC certificate -updated
After a great interest in this topic, Nicola Sironi has updated the Soling stability document found in the link below and also produced a ORC club certificate for the Sol...
      Posted on 20/10/2009 by Jean-Pierre Marmier, read by 2896 Comments 0    
Soling righting moment, stability, ORC certificate -updated
After a great interest in this topic, Nicola Sironi has updated the Soling stability document found in the link below and also produced a ORC club certificate for the Soling To those who want to calculate the rating for a Soling, this is possible and was time ago calculated for IMS. Following there are two documents, one related to the righ  ...
     Posted on 20/10/2009 by Jean-Pierre Marmier, read by 2896 Comments 0    
Bear-Away Spinnaker Sets By Dean Brenner
A well executed spinnaker set can help you gain distance and even places in a tight fleet, so have the pole up, the kite ready to hoist, and the crew hiking on the rail as your boat approaches the weather mark. This article was originally published on SailNet ( target=newwindow href=> ) in November, 2  ...      Posted on 11/01/2006 by Dean Brenner, read by 2568 Comments 1    
Bear-Away Spinnaker Sets By Dean Brenner
A well executed spinnaker set can help you gain distance and even places in a tight fleet, so have the pole up, the kite ready to hoist, and the crew hiking on the rail a...
      Posted on 11/01/2006 by Dean Brenner, read by 2568 Comments 1    
Bear-Away Spinnaker Sets By Dean Brenner
A well executed spinnaker set can help you gain distance and even places in a tight fleet, so have the pole up, the kite ready to hoist, and the crew hiking on the rail as your boat approaches the weather mark. This article was originally published on SailNet ( target=newwindow href=> ) in November, 2  ...
     Posted on 11/01/2006 by Dean Brenner, read by 2568 Comments 1    
By North Sails One Design

RAKE Mast rake is checked by measuring the amount that the forestay length exceeds the mast length. Hold your forestay along the front of the mast and simply mark the forestay at the point where the surface of the deck would be. if the forestay is shorter than the mast, the mark will be on the pennant. We check our rake by measuring the  ...                Posted on 04/11/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 6289 Comments 1    
By North Sails One Design

RAKE Mast rake is checked by measuring the amount that the forestay length exceeds the mast length. Hold your forestay along the front of the mast and simply m...
                Posted on 04/11/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 6289 Comments 1    
By North Sails One Design

RAKE Mast rake is checked by measuring the amount that the forestay length exceeds the mast length. Hold your forestay along the front of the mast and simply mark the forestay at the point where the surface of the deck would be. if the forestay is shorter than the mast, the mark will be on the pennant. We check our rake by measuring the  ...
               Posted on 04/11/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 6289 Comments 1    
Ideas on how to rebuild your fittings Layout?
This is probably the article 60% of actual ISA members are waiting for a long time, The artcile it self will have nothing since it is too complex to write a single article and provide maybe 10% of what top sailors world wide took at least 15 years of development with their coachs, builders, etc. To better restore/improve y  ...      Posted on 29/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 14441 Comments 11    
Ideas on how to rebuild your fittings Layout?
This is probably the article 60% of actual ISA members are waiting for a long time, The artcile it self will have nothing since it is too complex to write a single...
      Posted on 29/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 14441 Comments 11    
Ideas on how to rebuild your fittings Layout?
This is probably the article 60% of actual ISA members are waiting for a long time, The artcile it self will have nothing since it is too complex to write a single article and provide maybe 10% of what top sailors world wide took at least 15 years of development with their coachs, builders, etc. To better restore/improve y  ...
     Posted on 29/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 14441 Comments 11    
Excessively Full Main with Mainsheet Two-Blocked at the Set Rake
Problem - I realized after the first race of the North Americans that my new Halsey main was fuller than my previous ones - and that using it in the usual manner and with the usual rig trim, I was slow (5-9-8-10 in the first four races). I recognized that this main (at the usual mast bend) was fuller than my previous mains with its draft  ...      Posted on 22/09/2005 by Stuart Walker, read by 2724 Comments 1    
Excessively Full Main with Mainsheet Two-Blocked at the Set Rake
Problem - I realized after the first race of the North Americans that my new Halsey main was fuller than my previous ones - and that using it in the usual manner a...
      Posted on 22/09/2005 by Stuart Walker, read by 2724 Comments 1    
Excessively Full Main with Mainsheet Two-Blocked at the Set Rake
Problem - I realized after the first race of the North Americans that my new Halsey main was fuller than my previous ones - and that using it in the usual manner and with the usual rig trim, I was slow (5-9-8-10 in the first four races). I recognized that this main (at the usual mast bend) was fuller than my previous mains with its draft  ...
     Posted on 22/09/2005 by Stuart Walker, read by 2724 Comments 1    
Thinking to travel and wants to bring your own sails?
This article are specially wrote to those who attend other events outside their areas and oftenly find themselves with a crazy question to solve, how to bring the sails? Shall I folder or rol the one? Is the plane capable to heve the rol? etc. After years travelling and mostly renting boats while doing this, I had to learn on how to deal  ...      Posted on 07/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 2208 Comments 1    
Thinking to travel and wants to bring your own sails?
This article are specially wrote to those who attend other events outside their areas and oftenly find themselves with a crazy question to solve, how to bring the sails? ...
      Posted on 07/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 2208 Comments 1    
Thinking to travel and wants to bring your own sails?
This article are specially wrote to those who attend other events outside their areas and oftenly find themselves with a crazy question to solve, how to bring the sails? Shall I folder or rol the one? Is the plane capable to heve the rol? etc. After years travelling and mostly renting boats while doing this, I had to learn on how to deal  ...
     Posted on 07/09/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 2208 Comments 1    
Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the step up process is going on. Old boats may difficult the process where schrouds might be too eased at the begining and then too tight or vice versa, specially if schourds atta  ...           Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7020 Comments 0    
Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the...
           Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7020 Comments 0    
Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the step up process is going on. Old boats may difficult the process where schrouds might be too eased at the begining and then too tight or vice versa, specially if schourds atta  ...
          Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7020 Comments 0    

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Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid

Soling book
