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Mast Step UP basic procedure



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Mast Step UP basic procedure

written by Matias Collins  on  July 27  of  2005 and read by 6986

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Part B, preparing hallyards through the mast step and attaching the ones or passing them through their places.

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Part C when hoisting the mast up 30 degees and placing the at the mast step, it will be good if hallyards could be trimmed till tension to help keeping the mast at the mast step.

Part C when hoisting the mast up 30 degees and placing the at the mast step, it will be good if hallyards could be trimmed till tension to help keeping the mast at the mast step.

Part C -<bold> when PB meets the cockpit hole, PS has to strt pulling to help PB and PB could either walk slowly with one foot on each side of the cockpit or step one foot in the main base

Part C - when PB meets the cockpit hole, PS has to strt pulling to help PB and PB could either walk slowly with one foot on each side of the cockpit or step one foot in the main base

PART C when PB is almost at the mast step and PS is walking forward  pulling the mast and will connect the forestay to the extension at the bow.<br> Mast should rake forward to help but<b> be sure the Bakstay was connected before</b>.

PART C when PB is almost at the mast step and PS is walking forward pulling the mast and will connect the forestay to the extension at the bow.
Mast should rake forward to help but be sure the Bakstay was connected before.

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Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid

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