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a) Make sure payment to your National Soling Association was made
b) Make sure your National Soling Association communicated to the ISA that the payment was made.
c) Download the cards to offer it at the registration desk:
- First login at
- The login button becomes a profile button, click on it
- The new window will show some of your data and year of payment and a blue button to the membership card
- click at the blue button and it opens a new window with a link, at this link you will need click again to see your membership card in a PDF format which you can download at the phone.
Membership card article


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Soling Sailing Articles
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Only for Soling experts, history can always refresh some memories...
A bit more for Soling Lovers .. once more although the office melts anyone´s body during the day, I took the time to read, learn a bit about the Soling Class history, and once more scanned the Soling Sailing from 1981 volume 8, magazine 2 in which Vince Brun together with his brother Gastao and Steven Bakker won the Worlds in Anzio. Vince n  ...           Posted on 06/03/2012 by Matias Collins, read by 4467 Comments 0    
Only for Soling experts, history can always refresh some memories...
A bit more for Soling Lovers .. once more although the office melts anyone´s body during the day, I took the time to read, learn a bit about the Soling Class histor...
           Posted on 06/03/2012 by Matias Collins, read by 4467 Comments 0    
Only for Soling experts, history can always refresh some memories...
A bit more for Soling Lovers .. once more although the office melts anyone´s body during the day, I took the time to read, learn a bit about the Soling Class history, and once more scanned the Soling Sailing from 1981 volume 8, magazine 2 in which Vince Brun together with his brother Gastao and Steven Bakker won the Worlds in Anzio. Vince n  ...
          Posted on 06/03/2012 by Matias Collins, read by 4467 Comments 0    
Do you find yourself? Then I owe you a Dinner at the 2007 Worlds...
The 2007 Soling Sailing is in the last stage of production, we estimate that printing will be done by the second week of February and then by March each NSA will be receiving the ones with the cards and stickers. At the side you will find 3 covers that were not selected to the current SS Magazine number, but it doesn't mean they  ...      Posted on 24/01/2007 by Matias Collins, read by 3671 Comments 0    
Do you find yourself? Then I owe you a Dinner at the 2007 Worlds...
The 2007 Soling Sailing is in the last stage of production, we estimate that printing will be done by the second week of February and then by March each NSA will be recei...
      Posted on 24/01/2007 by Matias Collins, read by 3671 Comments 0    
Do you find yourself? Then I owe you a Dinner at the 2007 Worlds...
The 2007 Soling Sailing is in the last stage of production, we estimate that printing will be done by the second week of February and then by March each NSA will be receiving the ones with the cards and stickers. At the side you will find 3 covers that were not selected to the current SS Magazine number, but it doesn't mean they  ...
     Posted on 24/01/2007 by Matias Collins, read by 3671 Comments 0    

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Soling book

Soling book
