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a) Make sure payment to your National Soling Association was made
b) Make sure your National Soling Association communicated to the ISA that the payment was made.
c) Download the cards to offer it at the registration desk:
- First login at
- The login button becomes a profile button, click on it
- The new window will show some of your data and year of payment and a blue button to the membership card
- click at the blue button and it opens a new window with a link, at this link you will need click again to see your membership card in a PDF format which you can download at the phone.
Membership card article


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published by WORLD SAILING

D.3.1.1 Construction shall be of glass reinforced polyester resin and shall be in accordance with the relevant general arrangement and construction plans and specification. The use of fibres other than glass is prohibited in the construction of the hull or deck. The builder shall construct the hull by installing the backbone, stringers, bulkheads and floor before it leaves the mould. The hull and the deck shall be assembled with the deck in the approved mould or in a jig approved by an official measurer appointed by the MNA or an International Measurer and approved by the ISA. In either case the necessary support shall be given so that the sheerline is as shown on the plans. Such support shall be approved by an official measurer appointed by the MNA or an international measurer and approved by the ISA.
Amend to read:
D.3.1.1 Construction shall be of glass reinforced plastic using any type of resin and shall be in accordance with the relevant general arrangement and construction plans and specification. The use of fibres other than E-Glass is prohibited in the construction of the hull or deck. The builder shall construct the hull by installing the backbone, stringers, bulkheads and floor before it leaves the mould. The hull and the deck shall be assembled with the deck in the approved mould or in a jig approved by an International Measurer. In either case the necessary support shall be given so that the sheerline is as shown on Soling Class Rules PART III — APPENDICES - Official Plans. Such support shall be approved by an international measurer.

D.5.1.2 Each hatch cover shall be made of glass reinforced polyester resin or wood which may be covered with gelcoat and shall be fixed to the bulkhead by not less than 12 screws and shall have a gasket which makes it watertight when either the cockpit or the flotation tank is flooded.
Amend to read:
D.5.1.2 Each hatch cover shall be made of GRP (using any type of resin), or wood which may be covered with gelcoat and shall be fixed to the bulkhead by not less than 12 screws and shall have a gasket which makes it watertight when either the cockpit or the flotation tank is flooded.

67.5 & 67.6 DRAWING PLANS
Glass Fiber and Polyester
Amend to read:
Glass Fiber and Resin (Any type of resin)
Download change SOL-Class-Rules-Changes-2023-01Jan-01.pdf

NA Champs
Soling book

Soling book
