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Dear ISA Members the 2024 Annual Meeting minutes were published including the revised accounts.
2024 AGCM Minutes to download


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Soling Guide Articles
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Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the step up process is going on. Old boats may difficult the process where schrouds might be too eased at the begining and then too tight or vice versa, specially if schourds atta  ...           Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7019 Comments 0    
Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the...
           Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7019 Comments 0    
Mast Step UP basic procedure
Mast step up may vary from boat to boat, it is easier in modern boats, where schroud tracks (should be released) helps to maintain constant the schrouds tension while the step up process is going on. Old boats may difficult the process where schrouds might be too eased at the begining and then too tight or vice versa, specially if schourds atta  ...
          Posted on 27/07/2005 by Matias Collins, read by 7019 Comments 0    
Specification Drawing
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 8889 Comments 0    
Specification Drawing

      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 8889 Comments 0    
Specification Drawing

     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 8889 Comments 0    
The Jan Linge Story
Re-printed with permission from Sailing Magazine, July '95, written by David Berson Trim, with a demeanour belying his 73 years, silver hair raffishly swept back, Jan Linge looks like a man who is enjoying life. On this early morning in Norway he chats sociably, breaking his conversation to light an occasional small cigar. Unpretentious, whi  ...      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5402 Comments 0    
The Jan Linge Story
Re-printed with permission from Sailing Magazine, July '95, written by David Berson Trim, with a demeanour belying his 73 years, silver hair raffishly swept back, J...
      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5402 Comments 0    
The Jan Linge Story
Re-printed with permission from Sailing Magazine, July '95, written by David Berson Trim, with a demeanour belying his 73 years, silver hair raffishly swept back, Jan Linge looks like a man who is enjoying life. On this early morning in Norway he chats sociably, breaking his conversation to light an occasional small cigar. Unpretentious, whi  ...
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5402 Comments 0    
Class History
Jan Linge The Soling history actually began in the mind of Jan Linge during the late 50's while he was doing design work and tank testing on a 5.5 metre to be built for a Norwegian friend for sailing in the 1960 Olympics. The friend, Finn Ferner, was a successful businessman and an outstanding helmsman, an Olympic medallist and w  ...      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5482 Comments 0    
Class History
Jan Linge The Soling history actually began in the mind of Jan Linge during the late 50's while he was doing design work and tank testing on a 5.5 metre ...
      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5482 Comments 0    
Class History
Jan Linge The Soling history actually began in the mind of Jan Linge during the late 50's while he was doing design work and tank testing on a 5.5 metre to be built for a Norwegian friend for sailing in the 1960 Olympics. The friend, Finn Ferner, was a successful businessman and an outstanding helmsman, an Olympic medallist and w  ...
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5482 Comments 0    
Measurement Instructions
1. RESPONSIBILITY OF MEASURERS Racing of all classes of sailing boat is based on the assumption that each boat complies with its class rules in every respect. Builders and competitors alike strive to achieve better performance or to improve handling characteristics by the use of additional or different equipment, or by changing the  ...      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6626 Comments 0    
Measurement Instructions
1. RESPONSIBILITY OF MEASURERS Racing of all classes of sailing boat is based on the assumption that each boat complies with its class rules in every respe...
      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6626 Comments 0    
Measurement Instructions
1. RESPONSIBILITY OF MEASURERS Racing of all classes of sailing boat is based on the assumption that each boat complies with its class rules in every respect. Builders and competitors alike strive to achieve better performance or to improve handling characteristics by the use of additional or different equipment, or by changing the  ...
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6626 Comments 0    
Responsibilities of a LIASON OFFICER
A Host Club, when it is accepted by the ISA Committee to host a major Championship, agrees to abide by the Class and Championship Rules of the ISA and agrees to make no modifications of those rules without the specific authority of the ISA Committee as represented by the President, the ISA Championship Committee and/or the Liaison Officer. Prior  ...      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5500 Comments 0    
Responsibilities of a LIASON OFFICER
A Host Club, when it is accepted by the ISA Committee to host a major Championship, agrees to abide by the Class and Championship Rules of the ISA and agrees to make no m...
      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5500 Comments 0    
Responsibilities of a LIASON OFFICER
A Host Club, when it is accepted by the ISA Committee to host a major Championship, agrees to abide by the Class and Championship Rules of the ISA and agrees to make no modifications of those rules without the specific authority of the ISA Committee as represented by the President, the ISA Championship Committee and/or the Liaison Officer. Prior  ...
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 5500 Comments 0    
General Information
ISA Office: (Secretary - Mr. Matias Collins) Espana 1262, Beccar, B1643, Argentina. Tel: +54 9 11 62646168 Fax: +54 11 4792 7112 E Mail: List of publications to members: Soling Sailing - Yearly class book, collection magazine 4x4 color, 120gr pages, 36 pages with Techn  ...      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6291 Comments 0    
General Information
ISA Office: (Secretary - Mr. Matias Collins) Espana 1262, Beccar, B1643, Argentina. Tel: +54 9 11 62646168 Fax: +54 11 4792 7112 E...
      Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6291 Comments 0    
General Information
ISA Office: (Secretary - Mr. Matias Collins) Espana 1262, Beccar, B1643, Argentina. Tel: +54 9 11 62646168 Fax: +54 11 4792 7112 E Mail: List of publications to members: Soling Sailing - Yearly class book, collection magazine 4x4 color, 120gr pages, 36 pages with Techn  ...
     Posted on 01/01/2001 by Matias Collins, read by 6291 Comments 0    

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Friendship league - Madrid

Soling book
