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Frienship League event in Brazil releases NoR

The already traditional Frienship League Championship, held in Porto Alegre (VDS), Brazil released the Notice of Race for the event.
Remember that entries are limited, for this event where you do not need to bring your Soling or sails, just the clothes.

Notice of Race



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a) Make sure payment to your National Soling Association was made
b) Make sure your National Soling Association communicated to the ISA that the payment was made.
c) Download the cards to offer it at the registration desk:
- First login at
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- The new window will show some of your data and year of payment and a blue button to the membership card
- click at the blue button and it opens a new window with a link, at this link you will need click again to see your membership card in a PDF format which you can download at the phone.
Membership card article


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Measurement Instructions

written by Matias Collins  on  January 1  of  2001 and read by 6499

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Racing of all classes of sailing boat is based on the assumption that each boat complies with its class rules in every respect. Builders and competitors alike strive to achieve better performance or to improve handling characteristics by the use of additional or different equipment, or by changing the shape of items. If the measurement of the yachts is to achieve its objective of ensuring that they comply with their rules it follows that the interpretation of the class rules must be uniform. It can also be seen that the measurer's work is important and involves considerable responsibility. Because he acts on behalf of the owner he clearly bas a responsibility to the owner, but his primary responsibility is to the Class as a whole, the International and National Authority and to the builder. This responsibility cannot be discharged unless the work is carried out thoroughly and diligently. A measurer must be completely impartial. So as to prevent any questioning of his integrity, a measurer is not normally permitted to measure a yacht or its equipment of which he is an owner, designer or builder, or in which he bas any personal involvement (e.g. if he is a member of the crew) or financial involvement other than receiving a measurement fee.

It is the responsibility of the owner to see that his yacht, spars, sails and equipment: a) comply with the Class Rules and relevant Racing Rules at all times, and that alterations, replacements or repairs to the yacht, spars, sails and equipment do not invalidate the certificate. The measurer should draw the owner's attention to this.
b) where appropriate, are ready for measurement, since it is not the measurer's task to paint measurement bands or to provide weight correctors, etc.

In order to be permitted to measure yachts of the International Soling Class, the measurer has to be approved or recognised by the National Authority (NA) and/or the National Soling Association (NSA) of the country in which the measurement is to take place. Unless he has been specifically invited to work in another country by that country's NA, a measurer is only permitted to undertake measurement in his own country.

4. INTERNATIONAL MEASURERS (see list on ISAF website)
Since 1980 the IYRU (now called the ISAF) bas acknowledged measurers who have a particularly wide experience and knowledge of a class by recognising them as International Measurers (IM). The International Measurers provide a direct line of communication from the ISAF to classes on measurement matters. International Measurers should pass on their experience and train other measurers, thereby leading to an improvement in general standards of measurement. International Measurers have the same authority as class or National Authority measurers when measuring for certification.
To be appointed as an International Measurer, the measurer's application must be supported by the relevant International Class Association, his National Authority, another International Measurer from the Class and then be approved by the ISAF.
At major regattas, e.g. World or Continental Championships, measurement shall only be carried out under the direction of an International Measurer. The International Measurer shall report regularly to the ISAF Chief Measurer.

Measurement is a highly skilled job and should he carried out in a professional manner. In view of this a measurer is entitled to require a payment for his services to a builder, an owner or a club organising a major event. Some national authorities and classes lay clown the fees to he charged for measurement and where this is the case that scale of fees should be the basis for the charges made. If significant travel is involved the measurer should ensure that the travel expenses are covered in addition to the measurement fee.

The Measurement Certificate is a paper, according to Racing Rule of Sailing 78.1, which is required by the Race Committee before a boat is allowed to race. The first Soling measurement certificate was a small piece of paper which provided the Sail N°, the Hull N° and nothing else. As long as the Soling had no IYRU status, and no very strong competition, that piece of paper was sufficient.
As soon as the Soling Class became an IYRU administered Class and was built by more than one builder, a measurement form was needed. At that time a small Measurement Certificate came in force, based on the Measurement Form. For the first twenty years either the Measurement Form or the Measurement Certificate bas been accepted at most regattas. At major championships the Measurement Form, endorsed by the National Authority (NA) was required. Five years ago the Measurement Committee of the IYRU decided to adopt a common style for the Measurement Certificate, and we now have a new set of papers to he presented at major regattas.
1. The Measurement Form (MF) updated to the last issue of the measurement rules. That paper only relates to the boat - There is no mention of the owner, but all the measurements made at the builder's yard (by the measurer) are included on the form.
2. The Measurement Certificate (MC) provides the main information about the boat and its owner.
To become valid both papers have to he endorsed by the National Authority. The MF by the NA of the first owner only, and the MC by the NA of the actual owner.
When entering a regatta, a copy of the Measurement Certificate must be sent to the host club with the entry form. This paper contains all the information required in advance about the owner, his club, his NA, his sail N° and about the boat: Builder, Hull N°, Measurer, ISAF Plaque N°, weight and corrector weights if any.
The Measurement Form should he brought with the boat to the measurement control at the championship. It will be needed if an alteration is to made on the hull or if a new corrector weight is put into the hull.
Remember that the removal of a corrector weight by the owner invalidates the MF and the MC. A new corrector weight can only be put into the boat if the hull is completely dry. In that case, the measurer shall impound the boat for at least two days in a dry room. The new MF is in effect for the new boats from 1st Match 1966 and the MC will apply to all new boats and at each change of owner. Both forms may he obtained from the ISAF office.

In the case of the Soling Class, which is administered by the ISAF, the royalty is included in an International Class Fee (or Building Fee), which also includes amounts due to the ISA and to the ISAF. A plaque is fixed permanently in the yacht to indicate that the International Class Fee bas been paid. The measurer must not sign the Measurement Form unless this plaque is fixed as required by the Class Rules.

The measurer is responsible for the accuracy of the measurements put on the Measurement Form. Each boat bas to be measured separately. No deviation or departure from the Class Rules is permitted. The measurer must remember that he his bound as much by the Class Rules as is the owner of the boat, and therefore he must not allow himself to be swayed by the thought that an item is not important or that it does not affect the speed of the boat. However insignificant a rule may appear to be, the measurer must see that it is complied with.It often happens that a measurement is found to be very close to either the maximum or the minimum dimension permitted. In this case it is highly desirable to repeat the measurement to ensure its accuracy. From time to time there will be occasions when the meaning of a Class Rule is not clear. In such cases the measurer should describe on the Measurement Form what he found, so that the NA (or NSA) can determine whether a Measurement is to be issued or not. If the NA or NSA is unable to determine whether the detail is acceptable, it should seek an official interpretation from the ISAF Chief Measurer.

1. The Licensed Builder orders a plaque from the ISAF.
2. The Licensed Builder pays for the plaque according to the Class Rules.
3. The plaque shall be issued and placed on the boat according to Class Rule D.2.2.
4. The measurer checks the boat at the Licensed Builder's yard and puts the weight correctors, if any, on the boat.
5. The Measurement Form shall, after it bas been properly completed and signed, be sent to the NA or NSA by the measurer, to be endorsed and stamped.
6. When the Measurement Form bas been checked and found to be properly completed and signed, the Soling is assigned with the next available National Sail Number and the Measurement Certificate is issued.
7. The original Measurement Form and the Measurement Certificate go to the owner, one copy goes to the measurer, one to the NA (or NSA) and one to the ISA. All copies have to be endorsed and stamped by the NA NSA.
8. When the owner has paid his dues for the current year, he receives the ISA Sticker which bas to be put on the boat according to Class Rule C.5.1

9. The former owner delivers the Soling to the new owner together with the original Measurement Form.
10. The new owner shall apply immediately to his NA (or NSA) for a new registration of the Measurement Form and to receive a new Measurement Certificate.
11. Items 7. to 8. above apply to the new owner.

12. The owner's procedures are the same as in item 9, 10 and 11 above. The Soling is now assigned with the first National Sail Number in the new country.
13. Lost Measurement Forms can be replaced by the NA (or NSA), or by the measurer (min. fee US$ 10.00).

14. Items 1 to 5 apply
15. When the Measurement Form has been checked and found to be properly completed for the boat, or for the part of the boat to be exported, the NA (or the NSA) must endorse and stamp the form and send it back to the Builder.
16. The Builder delivers the Measurement Form with the Soling, and item 12 above applies.

At major events like Continental or World Championships where the boats and the equipment are checked, the owner or the nominated helmsman has to bring a valid Measurement Certificate (see point 6. above). If some item checked during the measurement procedure is found to be different from the value stated in the MF, the Chief Measurer may correct the Measurement Form. In that case, he must send a copy of the rectified Measurement Form to the ISA and to the NA (or NSA) of the owner. This is compulsory if the rectification concerns a modification of the weight correctors (in this case a new Measurement Certificate shall be issued), or if the item is found to be out of the tolerances. The Chief Measurer will also notify the action taken in his report to the ISAF Chief Measurer.

Jean-Pierre Marmier
Chairman of Technical ISA Committee

May 1999
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