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ACGM - 25/11/2014
The 46st Annual General Meeting & 75th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Yacht Club Punta del Este, Uruguay, November 25 after the World Champiosnhip races & on 30 of 2014 at 9:00 am. The 46st Annual General Meeting & 75th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Yacht Club Punta del Este, Uruguay, November 25 after the World Champiosnhip races & on 30 of 2014 at 9:00 am.
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The 46st Annual General Meeting & 75th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Yacht Club Punta del Este, Uruguay, November 25 after the World Champiosnhip races & on 30 of 2014 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
The AGM had the following representatives: Nelson Ilha (BRA), Peter Hall (CAN), Nick Follett(ARG), Santiago Nottebohm (ARG), Johan Offermans (NED), Michael Dietzel (GER), Roman Koch (GER), Gernot Heller (GER), Martin Zeileis (AUT) – each country has one vote for each 20 members they have -> GER (4), ARG (3), BRA(1), NED(1), CAN(2), AUT (2)
Holding proxies: Roman Koch for Hamish Loudon (GBR).
A quorum was stablished

To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website at the following link: ).

It was approved unanimously


a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2014.
Domink Meissner (GER) commencing first term in replacement of Roman Koch who finished his third term,
Ludwig Beurle (AUT) commencing third term after finishing his second one,
Bostjan Antoncic (SLO) commencing second term, after finishing his first one.

The motion to approve this nomination was made by Peter Hall after some explanation about those who does participate and those who doesn’t, the secretary also explained how the Elected members are selected, their number of 9, one for each country only, their term of three years and possible of two consecutive reelections.

Also the Nominating Committee is proposing the following names to replace inactive Elected Members:
Steve Bobo (USA) to replace Steve Dolan (USA) -
Nelson Ilha (BRA) to replace Frank Lavrsen (DEN) -

The nomination and the replacement was approved unanimously, Nelson Ilha(BRA) present also agree to serve, This way, it is the first time in history that 2 South Americans are ISA elected members, Nelson Ilha and Gustavo Warburg.

The complete list of 9 Elected Members are:

Gustavo Warburg (ARG) finishing term in 2015
Tom Mitchell (CAN) finishing term in 2015
Steve Bobo (USA) to finish term of Steve Dolan in 2015
George Wossala (HUN) finishing term in 2016
Michele Tognozzi (ITA) finishing term in 2016
Nelson Ilha (USA) to finish term of Frank Lavrsen in 2016
Dominik Meissner (GER) starting first term to finish in 2017
Ludwig Beurle (AUT) starting new period to finish in 2017
Bostjan Antoncic (SLO) starting new period to finish in 2017

b) ISA Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2014 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010)
i. President for a term of two years Peter Hall (CAN)
ii. Vice President for a term of two years Michael Dietzel (GER)
iii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins (USA/ARG)
iv. Treasurer for a term of one year. Dieter Lewin (GER)

Each name was approved unanimously, with motions made from Johan Offermans and seconded by Roman Koch after Johan thanked all for the time he had been president.

i. To receive the audited financial report for the year 2013–2014
ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2014–2015
iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors / Missing income
Appendix 1 is presented:
The ISA had a surplus of 269 GBP even when the membership again decreased and also the active boats at races have decreased. The only exceptions where Argentina, Brasil, Germany, Canada and Austria in which levels have been maintained or even increased a little. France is a remaining incognita since activity seems to be increased but it doesn’t reflect the ISA numbers. The biggest down were USA and Hungary.

i. To receive provisional 2014 membership list.
Matias explained that the membership has decreased since 2013, the biggest drop was USA. Appendix 2 attached with final numbers. These final numbers are not 100% since little modifications could happen until December 31st, is known that little increase happens in Germany with new sponsor members, or late payments etc. That would allow GER to forward a third appointed member.

ii. To discuss 2015 membership dues
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £15)
The membership fees will be kept the same as in 2013.

iii. To decide color of 2015 stickers and membership cards.


The sticker will be white with a gold omega and it should say 1965 -2015 (instead a single year mention)


Present: Roman Koch (GER), Martin Zeileis (AUT), Johan Offermans (NED), Peter Hall (CAN), Gernot Heller (GER), Gustavo Warburg (ARG), Nelson Ilha (BRA)
Martin Zeileis holding proxy for Ekkehart Steinhuber (AUT),
Roman Koch holding proxies for Hamish Loudon (GBR), George Wossala (HUN)

a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2015. (Note: NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitled now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 50+ members and three each for 100+ members, those with proxy rights):

The following list of appointed members by their NSAs was received so far, and countries may do it until December 31st of 2014. Their terms starts on January first of 2015.
USA – Henry Thomas
Canada – Peter Hall, Manfred Kanter
Germany – Michael Dietzel, Gernot Heller
Austria – Ekkehart Steinhuber, Christian Holler
Hungary – Istvan Szucs
Australia – Ivan Fitzgerald
Japan – Kazuo Hanaoka
Norway – Jens Pran
Brazil – Andre Wahrlich
Argentina – Nicolas Follett, Santiago Nottebohm
Italy – Nicola Armellini
Netherlands – Johan Offermans
France -

b) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies at the Executive Committee commencing 1st January
vi. 4th Executive Member (elected by the ISA Committee) George Wossala (HUN)
Note: Regulation 4.13 the nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
Peter Hall mentioned that he would like to have a South American in the executive, therefore the name for the 4th member of the executive was proposed by the ISA Committee, Nelson Ilha (BRA) was then approved as 4th Member of the Executive (also called of Vice President of Administration)

To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies for a period of one year, except the Nominating Committee that is for a two years period.

vii. Chairman of the Technical Committee – Berend Vree
viii. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
ix. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Vacancy
x. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Karl Haist
xi. Editor –

At the Technical Committee the name of Gustavo Warburg was proposed by the Committee, mainly as because Gustavo has a long experience in the Soling Class, and sailing itself, also being an Engineer his background knowledge my help take faster decisions on the matters that might arise.
Peter Hall made the motion and was seconded by Johan Offermans and approved unanimously and with the consent of Gustavo present at the meeting.

Roman Koch was unanimously approved as to continue with the position of chairman of the championship committee.

Karl Haist will continue as Chairman of the Nominating Committee approved unanimously.

At the Chairman of the Communications Committee the problem to find the right person was explained by Johan and together with Peter Hall they would think about a person to perform the task.



i. Measurement: Proposal from Roman Koch to increase the time elapsed for the Bypass, making championship and measurement time shorter. This would modify the Bypass rules and procedures.

There was a discussion about the time elapsed, and it was explained that the proposed modification doesn’t apply to NA or SA, extending to three years the time of Bypass would please the European sailors, with this action, all the boats that sailed in Hungary can skip measurement at the Worlds and Europeans in 2015.

ii. Windward Mark: Proposal from Roman Koch to eliminate the offset and include a second windward mark (rounding as a gate) changing completely the game. Off course these modifications would depend on entry numbers, etc. This would modify the Standard Sailing Instructions.

Roman explained the situation in which right now the offset still have interference amongst boats coming on upwind and the ones downwind. Therefore the two windward marks would behave as the gate,
Peter Hall is against the two windward marks, but is in favor of experimenting the middle gate although the average sailors in North America were no happy with it.
Regarding the safety reason actual system did not presented any issues. Johan asked for the arguments for the new two mark system, Nelson presented that the difficulty to put the two marks are the same difficulty to present the offset and the windward mark.
The main argument was to increase the tech level.
Roman will write an article about it, and some testing should be done, the Championship Committee should select the events in which to test the two mark system and then report to the ISA Committee next meeting.

iii. More and shorter races: Proposal from Roman Koch, could the Soling Class go to 12 to 15 races in a championship making them shorter? This would also modify the Standard Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race
Roman explained the point to increase the races, Nelson explained how funny was the discussion where at the Olympic sailors are requesting to go back to the longer races.
This discussion was postponed to the next gathering together with the General meetings, but due to time was not finished.

iv. Change pumping rule: Proposal from Roman Koch to open the pumping rule as other classes, over certain amount of wind allow anything. In addition from the class office, it is necessary either way to clarify the means of pumping the sheet: The origin of the one, from the last block in the boat or direct from the boom, etc. Also the pumping pulling from the Vang.

The basic idea from the committee was to keep the Soling class rule for pumping the same but new wording has to be introduced to meet ISAF new definitions and the proposal to accept the pumping of the main sheet from the block at the boom (the ISAF definition is related to wave side.).

i. Programme, Events and Locations ( Worlds and Europeans )
j. Crowdfunding status and money allocation (Book, and what is left).
k. Other
Johan explained that all guests from the ISA will have a cost to the ISA at the Gala Dinner, the one would be held just after the practice race in a great Location in Castiglione della Pescaia, Matias found out with Michele the amount of the one (around 40 euros x guest). Also the CVCP would announce another informal dinner in addition to the prize giving. It was also mentioned that all Solings will be able to park at the marina mooring since the harbor deepness was increased.
Johan explained the crowdfunding, and that the one wouldn’t happen as up to the first day at the world’s only 6900 Euros was pledged, therefore a B plan was set to produce the book anyways contacting all those who pledged and obtaining from them the $ pledged , according to Johan a shipping company from a Soling sailor would double what was obtained and therefore enough $ would exist to produce the book in such desired standards, the company logo would end up in the one too together with other sponsors. Also proposed by Peter Hall, the ISA will then not produce Soling Sailing for 2015, and 2500 from what is budgeted should pass to the Book production, this amount would add to the pledged amounts. The administration from information collection, editing and composing if necessary, the pictures and the financial aspects will be under Johan Offermans scope, he will use a private company to produce and ship the one.
An issue rose when class secretary was requesting some specific information about the Event in Castiglione: the entry fee was 600 euros and the championship fee included was not going to be forwarded to the ISA accordingly to what Michele Tognozzi the CVCP representative in the ISA informed. The Executive will go deep in the matter as this should not be this way.
The ISA executive and the Organizing Authority will work together to find a good solution by December 15, 2014 for the entry fee of 600 euros per boat, payment by event OA to the ISA regarding the fee of 75 euros per boat (championship fee), the ISA support of the event, and possible additional sponsorships

3. 2014 EVENTS
i. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.

There was only mention that the SRSP ended paying their championship fees, and also how good the Worlds was going so far, and the amenities from Punta del Este, La Trinity also was mentioned as a fantastic sailing location, and Zipfer Trohpy once more were beyond the expectations.

2015& Beyond
i. To receive a report from Michele Tognozzi, regarding the 2015 Soling Worlds (Class Anniversary) to be held at CVCP, Italy.
- Also to receive a report from Johan Offermans related to the 50th Anniversary Book to be released in Castiglione.
This was covered at the Class Anniversary item.

ii. To receive report regarding the 2015 European Championship to be held in Berlin, GER.
Roman gave a short speech that all is organized, the Jury panel needed some work and names exchange, etc. Website is up and running, some entries were already made.

iii. To receive bids regarding the 2015 Masters Championship
No bid was presented, the Championship Committee has to work on the issue.

iv. To receive bid for the 2015 NA Champs & 2015 SA champs
SA Champs – CNSI, Buenos Aire, ARG - November 20 to 23
NA Champs – SSYC, Wilmette, Illionis, USA –August 27 to 30

v. To receive bids for the 2016 & 2015 Masters (now on, not considered a World Championship at least until the event gathers more than 3 countries, 2 continents), the 2015 edition could happen in PSSS, Kingston or Sarnia – CAN, ASAP more is known we will let you know.

vi. To receive a bids for 2017 EC.
No bids were proposed, action from the secretariat to forward the this open possibility to countries that not often organize major Soling events.

vii. To receive bid for the 2017 Worlds – Johan Offermans announced that the one could be hosted in Netherlands (Muiden) as per the email of Rudy den Outer.
A contact must be made by the Championship Committee institution to start all the negotiations regarding this possibility.

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: BB Sailing I/S , Petticrows Ltd.
The Actual plaque fee: £420.00 (class share: £61.26) This might be subject to change soon by ISAF.
Last plaque issued: 2551 – Petticrows in 2013.

A late note from ISAF informed ISA that the plaque fee from January first will be 430.76 and the class share 64.36 GBP

To discuss venue and date for the future 2015 members` meetings.
The main members meetings should be held in Castiglione della Pescaia at the 2015 Anniversary Worlds, others might take place at the continental events..
To discuss venue and date for the future 2015 annual meetings.
The venue will be Berlin during the 2015 European Championship in September, the dates around the European Championship.

- Appendix 3 – late proposals from Rudy den Outer
The loop idea was not really taken into consideration by the committee since it would mean that a new length has to be set or most of the boats have to buy a new line since the loop in the end would shorten the length (splicing or making a not).
The Digital compass approval will relay on the committee and the technical committee report for each model, no need to change actual rule.
The VHF will be studied by the technical committee, with the intention to only carry the one for safety reasons, no OCS calls, neither other kind of communication.
Due to control the Mobile phones still won’t be allowed.
The Anchor elimination was denied, but the technical committee should study the weight reduction of the one, since now anchor models are coming in Aluminium and have considerably decreased their weight despite increasing their size…

- Appendix 4 – late proposal to bind with Roman’s ideas
The touching the mark generated some controversy, as the idea likes, the main issue fall into the wording for the rule, since that will change many other things too. One general idea to be studied by the technical and championship committee is the possibility to allow the spars and sails to touch the marks but not the hull, but again the wording will be a key. Nelson Ilha, Lorenz Walch and the Technical Committee should work in a proposal wording for this possible change.
Regarding the penalties, again to be considered any modification a proper wording has to be set, but what was general consensus is that in upwind the 720 penalty should remain, but the 360 penalty could be used if the spinnaker is already hoisted. Again a wording has to come up for approval; this will be requested to Lorenz Walch, the class TA.

The meeting was adjourned before the boats went out for their racing day under a nice sun and light breeze.

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ACGM - 23/09/2013
The 45st Annual General Meeting & 74th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Ramadabalaton Hotel, Lake Balaton, Hungary, September 23 after the World Champiosnhip races & on September 26 of 2013 at 9:00 am. The 45st Annual General Meeting & 74th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Ramadabalaton Hotel, Lake Balaton, Hungary, September 23 after the World Champiosnhip races & on September 26 of 2013 at 9:00 am.
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The 45st Annual General Meeting & 74th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association held at the Ramadabalaton Hotel, Lake Balaton, Hungary, September 23 after the World Champiosnhip races & on September 26 of 2013 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
10:30 am the meeting started with a quorum and a welcome from ISA President Johan Offermans.
Quorum from countries GER, UKR, GBR, NED, AUT, ITA, FRA, AUS, CAN, BRA, DEN
Persons who attended the meetings (© Committee Member ):
Germany: Roman Koch©, Karl Haist©, Gernot Heller©, Michael Dietzel©, Dominik Meissner, Anna Dietzel, and Andy Baumueller.
Netherlands: Johan Offermans©, Ben Medentorp, Berend Vree, Gavin Lidlow, Ben Vree, Razmi Souli, and Rudy den Outer.
Austria: Ekkehart Steinhuber©, Ludwig Beurle©, and Christian Holler.
France: Marc Lefevre, and Christian Jozan.
Great Britain: Hamish Loudon©
Canada: Peter Hall©, William Hall, Paul Davis, Tom Mitchell©, David Johnston, and Bruce Fielding.
Italy: Domenico Carducci
Hungary: George Wossala©, and Istvan Szucs©.
Denmark: Kasper Rytter, and Bjarne Nielsen
Australia: Rooney Housego, Bill Damm, and Gavin Worth.
Brasil: Nelson Ilha©
Ukraine: Sergey Pichuguin, and Ygor Yushko.

To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website at the following link: ).
Approved unanimously


a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2014.
Frank Lavrsen (DEN) commencing second term after finishing his first one,
Michele Tognozzi (ITA) commencing second term after finishing his first one,
George Wossala (HUN) commencing third term, after finishing his second one.

Approved unanimously

b) ISA Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2014 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010)
i. Vice President for a term of two years Roman Koch (GER)
ii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins (USA/ARG)
iii. Treasurer for a term of one year. David Baum (USA)

.Votes made individually:
Roman Koch accepted the job and it was approved unanimously
Matias Collins accepted the job and it was approved unanimously
The treasurer position, Matias explained the situation with Dave Baum that was not really sure about the job, new names were proposed, and Hamish Loudon explained the task, Hamish was asked to continue for a one more year and start a transition with AUT-GER to centralize the accounting in central Europe. Micheal Dietzel, Ludwig Beurle and Hamish Loudon would work on the transition; Ben Medentorp (NED) stepped in to be the future treasurer once the new account is arranged.

i. To receive a preliminary financial report for the year 2012–2013
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2013–2014
iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors / Missing income

Matias gave a preliminary financial situation, the one would be better known once Audit is finalized. Hamish Loudon also explained the situation and proposed an increase of membership fees and stickers. Then Karl Haist seconded a membership card increase from 10 to 15 GBP, Ben Medentorp quickly calculated the new situation and proposed budget were modified showing a positive balance for 2014 subject that membership keeps constant. The proposal was voted unanimously. No fees were increased for the boat sticker, neither championship fees or sail label royalties.

i. To receive provisional 2013 membership list.
ii. To discuss 2014 membership dues
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.Note if bank account changes country then fees currency should change also.)
Fees changed as per item 2 discussions. – Card will cost 15 GBP and sticker 30 GBP.

iii. To decide color of 2014 stickers and membership cards.

light blue

Unanimously approved to match Uruguay’s colors.

4. ISA Organization – Officers, Committees

i. How to improve the ISA organization? Suggestions?
ii. Website, is it reaching the expectations? What would you like to see new, and what to dismiss?

Johan started the discussion on how to improve the organization, Roman explained his opinion on how the decisions of the class looks like from outside as ruled by just a small group, he proposes more people to the sub committees, Tom Mitchell explained his position as a member of the Championship committee, feeling ok with the decision that sometimes he was able to participate and sometimes not, etc. Then Roman proposed to modify the appointed members numbers at the ISA committee, in such a way to include more people at the committee.



a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2014. (Note: NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitled now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members, those with proxy rights):

A proposal to decrease the numbers to allow more appointed members 20, 50, 100
Approved unanimously to follow Roman’s idea to improve committee participation. This re-opens the AGM with unanimous approval to change the constitution on item 4.5.1 to read as follows:
“At the date specified in Constitution Rule 6.1.3 (a) NSAs with 10 or more members and less than 20 members has the right of an appointed member to be present in person. With 20 or more but less than 50 members are entitled to appoint one member with proxy rights, NSAs with 50 or more members are entitled to appoint two members and NSAs with 100 or more members are entitled to appoint three members. Appointed Members shall be appointed by NSAs for a term of one year beginning the next January 1st and shall have the same authority and responsibility as Elected Members”
b) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies at the Executive Committee commencing 1st January
iv. 4th Executive Member (elected by the ISA Committee) Peter Hall (CAN)
Karl Haist, explained why Peter is proposed, Ludwig puts the motion and Hamish is second, approved unanimously and Peter Hall becomes a 4th executive member.

Note: Regulation 4.13 the nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies for a period of one year, except the Nominating Committee that is for a two years period.

v. Chairman of the Technical Committee – Frank Lavrsen
vi. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
vii. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Ashley Henderson
viii. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Karl Haist
ix. Editor – Iain Loudon
Berend Vree, offers himself as Chairman of the Technical Committee, approved unanimously.
Roman Koch & Karl Haist accepted the job for one more year, and both positions Editor and Communications to be filled with two persons Christoph Wossala and William Hall.


i. Proposed wording for the Agreement Form related to the media rights:
“We the undersigned agree to make available to the Association any relevant photographs or videos of the competition in which they are partaking , free of charge, for Association promotion purposes.”
To discuss wording at SIs from competitors to authorize the distribution of their pictures/videos by the organizer, etc.

The following wording was modified to improve the scope of the one and prevent the future.
We the undersigned agree to make available to the Association any relevant photographs, videos or electronic data information of the competition in which they are partaking , free of charge, for Association promotion purposes, whiting the championship conclusion.”

ii. To discuss and propose if necessary new wording for prohibited items to be included in the Class Rules, the inclusion of VHF, phones, etc. at the following appendix no.3 find some emails exchanges.

Paul Davis, explained that to keep cost down GPS should be no allowed, VHF was brought into the discussion, Gernot Heller noted that VHF use in Germany requires especial license. It was agreed to keep actual wording and it was mentioned to all that smartphones are forbidden at the boat even when switched off.

iii. Whistling system discussion and decision, either to include the one in the class standards create the wording, or to exclude, or to include appendix P (rule 42 umpiring), etc.
Lorenz Walch GER/IJ and ISA TA, explained that the class is well good self-policy, he thinks that the class should avoid the Jury in the water; Roman thinks that more penalties were done due to the whistling system. The committee therefore considered to keep a standard wording for the whistling system during racing at major events.
Roman also explained the forms of acknowledgement of penalties, etc. Lorenz proposed to delete item 14 of the SSI. To avoid the issues of failing to sign the ones after accomplishing the penalties. Matter deferred to the 2014 Meetings.

i. Middle Gate Proposal Discussion, generated at the 2012 Member’s meetings.
It is not known of any tests, the AAS tried to discuss this, but PRO Tino Mora AR explained that in a 20+ Soling fleet in order to place a middle gate he would need to use maximum length course and even in some conditions with more boats and wind, to increase the maximum to avoid incidents. The item was brought to your attention to know if this was tried in any other country and what was the result.
It was unanimously dropped the initiative, after Peter Hall comments on their trials held in Canada.
Roman proposed the gate upwind, some considerations were spoken, test will be done in different places and a report should be returned to the ISA for final decisions at the next Annual meeting in 2014.

4. 2012 EVENTS
ii. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.
Roman started with the Danish Europeans in 2012, continued with the Worlds in Milwaukee, spoke about the Zipfer, the Vintage Y. Games, South American Championship (YCPE), etc.

2014& Beyond
i. To receive a report Matias Collins, regarding the 2014 Soling Worlds to be held at PDE, Uruguay.
Matias gave the report, explaining that a large number of Argentine boats will be sailing the event, and therefore the chance to rent a “newer” boat is quite impossible as most owners are planning to sail. A bunch of old boats were found to grant international participation at real low cost and some rentals are expected. Besides some international sailors have planned to ship their boats. The Location is fantastic, but expensive; it is considered the Cote d’Azur from South America.

ii. To receive bids regarding the 2014 European Championship.
Quiberon – FSA, Berlin – GSA, Traunsee – AUT
After much discussion it was decided that it will be held during May/June in St. Pierre Quiberon due to the efforst of Marc Lefevre and Christian Jozan to promote the Soling in France, which has been always members in the ISA and have fantastic areas for sailing the Soling.

iii. To receive bids regarding the 2014 Masters Championship
Berlin – GSA
Awarding Berlin with the 2015 EC, UYCAs stepped in to host the Masters together with the Zipfer Trophy Mid August. This accompanied the notice from ISAF that the event wouldn’t be a Master World Championship unless it meets the minimum criteria required. (Minimum of two continents, and 4 countries, and more than 24 entries…)

iv. To receive bid for the 2014 NA Champs & 2014 SA champs
SA Champs – Porto Alegre April 17 to 20 (Easter time)
NA Champs – Canada – Late August/September, PSSS, Canada

v. To decide date for 50’ anniversary of the class (2014-2015) accordingly to a Party of 20 years made earlier under Karl Haist. Party? Championship?
It is going to be a party during the World Championship, in addition to other activities during the Worlds and other events.

vi. To receive a bids for 2015 EC events.
Traunsee – AUT, Berlin - GSA.

Berlin, GER end of August/September

vii. To receive the bid for the 2015 Worlds.
Torbole, Lake Garda – ITA, Riva del Garda, Lake Garda – ITA, Castiglione della Pescaia – ITA, and Asker – NOR

It was decided to support the next anniversary Worlds at the end of May in Castiglione della Pescaia, a Yacht Club that has been supporting the Soling class even after the loss of the Olympic status in 2000. They already have run another successful World Championship and other major events of the class.

viii. To receive the bid to the 2015 Masters
Port Stanley, Sarnia or Kingstom - CAN

ix. To receive the bid for the 2016 Worlds
CORK, Kingston – CAN
Paul Davis, gave a briefing the week of 27 September. They are open to host a two day Canadian Championship, 2 measurement and 5 days racings… or just the Worlds version.

x. Although not in the agenda, it was awarded the 2016 Europeans to Traunsee in AUT.

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Abbott Boats, BB Sailing, Petticrows.
The Actual plaque fee: £410.00 (class share: £61.26) this was updated just before the 2012 minutes release by ISAF on December 20 of 2012.
Last plaque issued: 2551 – Petticrows.

To discuss venue and date for the future 2014 members` meetings.
Meetings at all continental events will be welcome the thought of the members will be used at the Annual meeting by the ISA committee.
To discuss venue and date for the future 2014 annual meetings.
It was decided to hold it for the first time in South America, during the Worlds in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

-Trophies – Karl Haist explained the situation in Castiglione and Aarhus – Trophies have to be the same to all helmsperson and crew.
Paul Davis explained that NA and EC was always an Open event.
Gernot Heller propose to standardize at the Championship rules that all Soling events to be Open.

-The Picture comments moved to Facebook

-Ranking to change to an elapsed year points,

-Rudy den Outer proposed Hamish Loudon to be a Life Member of the ISA, after his 10 years of Treasurer at the Soling Class. Roman Koch put the motion and Johan Offermans seconded, unanimously approved.

The meeting was adjourned with a proposal from Johan Offermans seconded by Roman Koch.

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ACGM - 20/12/2012
The 44st Annual General Meeting & 73th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the MYC, Lake Michigan, USA, September 21 after the races & 24 of 2012 at 9:00 am. The 44st Annual General Meeting & 73th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the MYC, Lake Michigan, USA, September 21 after the races & 24 of 2012 at 9:00 am.
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The 44st Annual General Meeting & 73th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the MYC, Lake Michigan, USA, September 21 after the races & 24 of 2012 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
Committee Members present:
George Wossala(HUN), Gernot Heller(GER), John Morgan(ISV), Steve Dolan(USA), Tom Mitchell (CAN)
NSA representatives present:
Rudy den Outer(NED),
There were other observers at the meeting from different countries, most of them competitors at the worlds.

To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website at the following link: ).
Approved by a motion from Steve Bobo and seconded by Peter Hall


a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2013.
Steve Dolan (USA) commencing second term after finishing his first one,
Tom Mitchell (CAN) commencing third term after finishing his second one,
Gustavo Warburg (ARG) commencing first term, replacing Derek Priestley.

Approved with a motion from Steve Dolan(USA) and seconded by Tom Mitchell(CAN)

b) ISA Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2012 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010)
i. President for a term of two years Johan Offermans
(note this will be the fourth reelection and needs ¾ of the committee approval)
ii. Vice President for a term of two years George Wossala
iii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins
iv. Treasurer for a term of one year. Hamish Loudon

The present approved the above the entire slot with a motion from Tom Mitchell(CAN) seconded by Steve Dolan(USA) with the abstention of voting from representative of the NED Rudy den Outer due to the fact that Johan belongs to the Dutch Association.

i. To receive a preliminary financial report for the year 2011–2012 (appendix no. 1)
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2012–2013 (appendix no. 1).
iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors / Missing income (appendix no. 1)

With a brief description of the facts by class secretary, it was general acceptance of Treasurer Hamish Loudon previsions and recommendations, it was mentioned by the secretary the increasing costs of air ticket and basic feeling was if at some point ISA needs to cuts the trips to the major events there were three options to follow:
a) Proposed by John Morgan(ISV) to send it to the worlds of each ear
b) Proposed by Ashley Henderson(USA) to send it to the last big event of the year to attend of the meetings
c) Proposed by Peter Hall(CAN) the attendance to both events, due to the fact that work done during the event won’t be accomplished by any other committee member and therefore the ISA should look after a financial solution for that.

Tom Mitchell explained that the ISA had funds enough to run for one entire year without any income and therefore this decision could wait to see the financial development after the Audit comes with the financial results for the current period.

i. To receive provisional 2012 membership list (appendix no. 2).
ii. To discuss 2013 membership dues
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.)
iii. To decide color of 2013 stickers and membership cards.




a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2013. (Note: NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitled now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members, those with proxy rights):
Ivan FitzGerald (AUS), Charlie Kamps (USA), John Morgan(ISV), Kazuo Hanaoka (JPN), Peter Hall (CAN), Ekkehart Steinhuber (AUT), Michael Dietzel (GER), Gernot Heller (GER), Johan Offermans (NED), Pontus Berglund (SWE),
b) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies at the Executive Committee commencing 1st January
v. 4th Executive Member (elected by the ISA Committee) Peter Hall (CAN)

Note: Regulation 4.13 the nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies for a period of one year, except the Nominating Committee that is for a two years period.

vi. Chairman of the Technical Committee – Frank Lavrsen
vii. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
viii. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Ashley Henderson nominated by the committee members present, she was present and willing to do the job.
ix. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Karl Haist
x. Editor – Iain Loudon

The Committee present nominated Ashley H.


i. Proposed wording for the Whistling system to be introduced in the Sailing Instructions. (appendix no. 3 )
George feeling is that the class doesn’t need this ruling; John Morgan thinks the whistling is kind of a distraction that there is already system. Gernot Geller also thinks that when there is violations at the mark and whistling at the crowded marks, people doesn’t have the real knowledge to know if they are or not involved in the incident. The decision of adopting this system is left for a bigger consensus amongst the ISA Committee members. During the online consultation, and voting, the system reached a technical tie, therefore the Exec decided to postpone the discussion until next meetings, and continue to use as a test during next Worlds and Europeans, but this time seeking for a direct response from the ISA members (yes/no).

ii. Proposed wording for the media rights to be included at the Agreement Form (appendix no.4)
This item will be pending until the George contact Finn class to have what they are using, this will communicated to Ashely H. who will check and propose the right wording for the Soling class.

iii. Proposed wording for prohibited items to be included in the Class Rules (appendix no.5)
The committee present at the meeting finds the actual wording ok, if the Technical Committee wants to submit a different wording the one will be analyzed. The actual wording is clear and forbid all kind of equipment that receive or transmit data (it includes phones, smartphones, radio, GPS, compass with velocity calculation, etc..)

iv. Team nationality definition (appendix no. 6 )
The office proposal to determine boat nationality representation was examined by the committee present and should include item (vi) in which helmsperson replacement should only occur in emergency cases.
The rule change proposed after the committee consideration is:

B. 4 Crew Eligibility
B.4.1 - The crew shall consist of two or three persons.
B.4.2 - A crew nominated or listed for regatta or series of races held over consecutive days including a lay day, shall remain the same throughout the event unless substitution is authorized by the race committee. If there is a replacement for the helmsperson, he/she must be one of the crew nominated at registration and also needs to be authorized by the race committee.
B.4.3 – The nation being represented by the team will be the helmsperson nationality and will remain during the regatta or series the same independently of any helmsperson replacement.
Delete of C.1.1
C.1.1 The crew shall consist of two or three persons. A crew nominated or listed for a regatta or series of races held over consecutive days including a lay day, shall remain the same throughout the event unless substitution is authorized by the race committee. If there is a substitution for the helmsperson, he/she must be one of the crew nominated at registration.

By ISAF request after changes approval the items were C.1 -> C1.1-> C1.2 and what would be item C1.3 was inserted at the Championship Rules under item 4.4 .

v. Item 4 SNOR elimination (appendix no. 7 )
The item deletion was approved by the committee. And the one should take effect starting on 2013.

vi. Helmsperson changes during a series, Roman proposal to limit this in the class rules discussion.
It was general feeling that the new wording for crew eligibility should include that helmsperson change shall be a replacement and not just a swapping with original crew.

i. Middle Gate Proposal Discussion, generated at the Member’s meetings (appendix no.8 )
The committee present at the meetings thinks that the ISA could encourage the use of the middle gate at national level before implemented in the continental or world championship. The ISA would like to receive a report from the events using the one.

ii. Opening of the Pumping Rule (appendix no.9 )
The general feeling was that the class should not change the pumping rule.

4. 2011 EVENTS
iii. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.

2013& Beyond
i. To receive a report from BYC, Balaton, Hungary the host of the 2013 World Championship at Lake Balaton.
George explained the club changes, and the ISA office together with George would be making some formal changes to keep hosting the event in Balaton but in a different location.

ii. To receive a report from CVCP, Italy the host of the 2013 Europeans.
The event is confirmed at the CVCP.

iii. To receive a report from the ASA the future host of the 2013 Masters at the Traunsee, Austria.
The ISA office will chase the situation with the ASA.

iv. To decide date for 50’ anniversary of the class (2015) accordingly to a Party of 20 years made earlier under Karl Haist. Party? Championship? What kind of event are we looking for?
The committee present feels that the ISA should encourage Germany, Italy to bid for the event and the one should be the Worlds during 2015.

v. To receive a bids for 2014 EC event.
The committee will encourage the French to bid for the event.

vi. To receive the bid for the 2013 NA and 2013 SA events.
2013 NAs proposed for Wilmette (USA), mid-August.
2013 SAs is going to be San Isidro (Argentina), mid april.

vii. To decide Liaison Officers to the 2013 WC, EC, NA, SA, MC
Roman Koch for the Worlds, Gernot Heller the Europeans, George Wossala the Masters, Peter Hall for the NAs and for the SAs Nelson Ilha.

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Abbott Boats, BB Sailing, Petticrows, Bootswerft and Mader.
The Actual plaque fee: £410.00 (class share: £61.26) this was updated just before the minutes release by ISAF on December 20 of 2012.
Last plaque issued: 2550 - Petticrows. (No boat were built in the last 12 months)

To discuss venue and date for the future 2013 members` meetings.
The Members meetings will be at the Europeans, since the AGM will be held at the worlds

The next AGM and ACM will be during the Worlds, the one should be scheduled at the last measurement date in order to achieve quorum.

- Proposal from Rudy den Outer:
i. No shortening of races with flag “S” but yes with “C” with change course.
The Committee present feels that the class should remain with current shortening process to eliminate the leg or lap. This was sent anyways to a wide request for comment and vote amongst committee members not present during the meetings, the ones who made comments were against changing the current procedure, voting to reject the idea of course shortening.

ii. No more finishing at the downwind course
The ISA Committee present supports technically the finish upwind but this decision should be taken by the whole committee. Therefore this was sent to the committee not present for comments and vote, most of the comments regarding this option came along with votes regarding the inclusion of the triangle course below, it was the general feeling that the PRO could time to time finish upwind without the need to introduce a new course, just by using our single standard course and our shortening procedure, therefore this intention will be informed to the Liaison Officers at the major events to guide the PRO and finish upwind upon their own criteria.

iii. Possibility to have three different courses (Sausage 4 legs, 6 legs and Triangle)
The idea here is to not eliminate the Technical aspect, and include the reaching in certain conditions (above 14 knots) but the contra is related to the increasing costs of needing a second type of spinnaker and or more RC staff required to set the reaching mark.
The Committee present couldn’t reach a decision therefore two round of comments were presented to the committee members through email and finally a vote round to take a decision on the inclusion of the triangle course. The vote results turn out to be a rejection by 8 committee members and only two in favor of such course , but many abstentions.

The Meeting was adjourned with a motion from George Wossala seconded by John Morgan with the comment that some input would be made into this minutes after the round email regarding the difficult items

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ACGM - 03/09/2011
The 43st Annual General Meeting & 72th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the SCK, Lake Attersee, Austria, September 3 & 4 of 2011 at 9:00 am. The 43st Annual General Meeting & 72th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the SCK, Lake Attersee, Austria, September 3 & 4 of 2011 at 9:00 am.
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The 43st Annual General Meeting & 72th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the SCK, Lake Attersee, Austria, September 3 & 4 of 2011 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
Roman Koch (GER) , Heino Shuckmann (GER), Maxl Koch (GER), Gernot Heller (GER), Johann Kahls (AUT), Ludwig Beurle (AUT), Bostjan Antoncic (SLO), Francisco Villa(ESP), Stuart Walker (USA - LF), Karl Haist (GER – LF), Peter Szucs (HUN), Marc Lefevre (FRA), Francois Gamboud (FRA), Laszlo Hegymegi (HUN), Alex Hasch (AUT), Istvan Szcucs (HUN), and Johan Offermans (NED) with late arrival announced
Proxies: Charlie Kamps (USA)
Observers: Ekki Steinhubert(AUT), David Antoncic (SLO), Domink Meissner (GER), Ronnie Zeiller (AUT), Leonardo Cunha(BRA)
Quorum was establish either for AGM and ACM

2. MINUTES OF THE 42th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & 71th COMMITTEE MEETING (October 2010, Starnbergsee),
To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website at the following link: ).

Roman made a motion seconded by Charlie to approve the ones, approved unanimously.


a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2012.
Pablo Noceti (ARG) commencing third term,
Ludwig Beurle (AUT ) commencing second term,
Roman Koch (GER) commencing third term.

Stuart makes a different nomination to replace Pablo Noceti, by Bostjan Antoncic, moved by Charlie and seconded by Johann, approved unanimously. Charlie made an observation that next year a South American should be nominated amongst the Elected Members.
Ludwig Beurle and Roman Koch were elected unanimously

b) ISA Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2012 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010)
i. Vice President for a term of two years Roman Koch
ii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins
iii. Treasurer for a term of one year. Hamish Loudon

Ludwig puts the motion and Charlie seconded to approve unanimously the slot.

i. To receive a preliminary financial report for the year 2010–2011 ( appendix no. 4 )
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
The provisory income x expenditure was presented by Matias, no objections made and the committee will wait for the final audit after September 31st.
ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2011–2012 (appendix no. 5).
The Committee accepted the budget as it was for the next year with the loss of approx. 1000 GBP due to less championship fees income, they think that the situation might not be as bad as forecasted.
iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors (appendix no. 6)
Matias noted that there were no debtors so far, since financial period was not over and many NSAs already did their membership dues payment or at least an advance, just a few were missing, etc.
iv. To decide over Hamish’s motion to re-invest the deposit account into a two year investment for more interest.

The whole financial/bank situation the committee started to search a possible solutions to create an institution elsewhere in a way to proper operate ISA with more signatures in the bank, be less dependent of a person, etc.
Alex Hasch introduced the nonprofit sports institution registered in local areas in Austria in detail, procedures, tax exemptions, etc. The ISA will look if it is not possible to set this in the UK or USA in such a way that foreigners could be signers of the account, therefore Hamish would be able to step down from the treasury.
This decision will be taken by the Executive Committee, once all options are on the table.

i. To receive provisional 2011 membership list (appendix no. 7) .
Matias explained the numbers are quite the same as previous years, there was a big increase in Germany and slight drop in other countries, it was noted that Greece had re-joined and Belgium still renews regularly each year.
ii. Norwegian Issue, Letter from NSF, emails exchange, etc.
The matter was explained by Matias to the Committee, Johan will go deep with the one and together with Peter Hall they will contact Preben and ISAF to try to solve the problem.
iii. To discuss 2012 membership dues
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.)
The Committee decided to keep the actual values, and change to equivalent amounts in the currency of new bank if a change in ISA registration situation moves to Austria or any other country.
iv. To decide color of 2012 stickers and membership cards.


2012 Colors - black ink, and white background.

a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2012. (Note: NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitled now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members, those with proxy rights):
Matias noted that all countries may have till December 31st to appoint their members, the appointments depends on their membership final numbers.
b) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies at the Executive Committee commencing 1st January
iv. 4th Executive Member (elected by the ISA Committee) Tom Mitchell (CAN)
It was mentioned at the table that at the exec should remain at least one member from the American continent, therefore the nomination of Tom Mitchell was wise, and the nomination was seconded by Charlie and approved unanimously.

Note: Regulation 4.13 the nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies for a period of one year, except the Nominating Committee that is for a two years period.

v. Chairman of the Technical Committee – Laszlo Hegymegi
Laszlo mentioned that he would like to remain the Chief measurer but not the chairman, therefore Charlie nominates Frank Lavrsen as chairman of the technical committee seconded by Roman and approved unanimously.
vi. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
Charlie seconded the nomination, approved unanimously.
vii. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Ronnie Zeiller
Approved unanimously
It was mentioned that the position requires follow up with the press, etc. to promote the class in different areas. Note, Ronnie didn’t accept due to work commitments that wouldn’t allow him to do his job properly, ISA Committee would keep seeking the proper person to fill this vacancy.
viii. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Gyorgy Wossala
Charlie thinks that names should change and therefore nominates Karl Haist to the position, seconded by Ludwig and approved unanimously.
ix. Editor – Iain Loudon
The nomination was seconded by Charlie and Iain was approved unanimously.

Boat numbering and codes for Soling with plaque missing or older than first ISAF no. (see appendix n. 3).
It was general sense to keep actual sail number based on the input of the technical committee, the advantage in advertising of the class would be too small, Ludwig put a motion to keep as it is and Roman seconded.

i. Changes at SSI – Item 16.6 regarding what competitors can protest (see appendix n. 1 )
Gernot Heller put a motion to make the change in the SIs and seconded by Johann to eliminate item 19 from 16.6. Allowing this way a competitor to protest if there are any crew changes or equipment changes.

ii. Change on maximum entry fee (100 euros) for young teams at the Championship, suggestion from Peter Hall. Note that these teams receive a discount on entry fees and championship fees already of 50%.
Motion from Ludwig to keep as it is seconded by Johann and unanimously approved, with the argument that the real cost would be boat rental and not the entry fee, situation that happened at the 2011 EC, and also because there is already in the rules a discount to promote youth sailing of 50% of the Championship Fee and Entry fee for continental and worlds events.

iii. SSI – Triangle course inclusion, proposed by Marcos Ribeiro (BRA) (see appendix n. 2 )
Gernot Heller based on the input from the members’ meetings thinks that the class courses should stay the same, with the reaches the idea of strong guys are generated, and also it was mentioned together with the members’ meetings inputs like: the argument that an extra spinnaker for reaching, etc. Charlie put a motion to keep as it is, seconded by Gernot, approved unanimously.
As input from the members meetings, to increase number of races, and make them a bit shorter. The decision was to get more information from the different continents from future members’ meetings and after that make a decision during next years’ meeting. ISA should know if there is or not a desire to increase the races quantity in a championship (Continental and Worlds) and if it is like that the intention will be to know if races should be shorter in time target or we should continue with exact same time target of 1hr30min.

iv. Request to make Pictures published on our site or in Soling Sailing to be released by the owner with a license Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) conform the specs of Creative Commons . This gives the right to publish the pictures without fee and will contribute to the `distribution of the Soling image.

Ronnie Zeiller explained the situation of rights and photographers, The ISA will add an item in the Championship Rules regarding of the rights of the media produced during the events, in which the ISA should have the rights to distribute to press and other type of media releases to promote freely the class either digital or in paper) .

i. Carbon Mast Proposals
The members’ meeting input was considered as well Jean Pierre’s email then Charlie put a motion to not change what the class has, and to thank George with his will to support the development of the carbon mast, this was seconded by Ludwig and approved unanimously.

ii. Spheretex on lamination
It is general consensus that the rule should not be changed, Charlie’s motion is that the ISA should grandfather in individual cases the boats declared illegal due to sepheretex inclusion in the early 90’ with the following conditions: boats should be significantly heavier 20kg or more due to the extra layer of fiberglass fix done to supply the missing one the boats had, a confirmation of the boat yard that this job was done, and also that the boat passes a full measurement. This was seconded by Johann and approved unanimously. The boat that requested the grandfathering was Petticrows hull number 10, from 1990.

iii. Full Top batten proposal for jib
inputs to all technical issues coming from the technical committee and the members meetings (appendix no.8)
Unanimously decision to stick with the members’ meetings decision, in which no changes to be made on the Jib.

4. 2010 EVENTS
iv. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.
Roman Koch gave the report about the Worlds in Brazil and suggested all sailors to attend any event in South America as always is fantastic, Also spoke about the good European championship run by the French and the fabulous Masters in Stanberg. A big thanks to the organizer.

2012& Beyond
i. To receive a report from MYC, United States of America the host of the 2012 World Championship at Lake Michigan.
Charlie Apologized for not having such information, but informed that the Jury was already selected and that their main challenge is regarding the rental boat list in conditions and affordable to overseas sailors.

ii. To receive a report from Aarhus m.a., Denmark the host of the 2012.
We received the contract from Aarhus and the one will be signed by ISA and returned to Denmark the contract were reviewed by the committee, and Matias noted the significant extra entry fee.

iii. To receive a report from the HSA the future host of the 2012 Masters, to be held in Balaton, HUN.
Johan will contact George to confirm the event, and future ones.

iv. To receive a bids for 2013 EC event.
European championship to be organized either in Izola or Koper , approach for beginning of July (racing from 1 to 5) or September. The responsible will be Bostjan Antoncic and should check with possible hosts and work himself to proper organize such an event.
Worlds in Balaton early in the year to be confirmed by George Wossala.

v. To receive the bid for the 2012 NA and 2012 SA events.
2012 SA championship will be in Montevideo (URU) and already have a confirmation of an Austrian boat to sail the event. Matias informed that USSA / CISA will only provide this information later January.

vi. To decide Liaison Officers to the 2012 WC, EC, NA, SA, MC
Gernot Heller is designed to be the LO for the Worlds.
Charlie put a motion to introduce the Whistling system during the Worlds, seconded by Roman and approved unanimously and Charlie will work with Matias to find the proper wording to include in the SIs.
Charlie Kamps was appointed to be the LO for Aarhus.
Marcos Ribeiro for SA 2012

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Abbott Boats, BB Sailing, Petticrows, Bootswerft and Mader.
The Actual plaque fee: £362.38
Two plaques were sold during 2010-2011 to Petticrows and boat numbers issued were 2549 and 2550.

To discuss venue and date for the future 2012 members` meetings.
There should be members’ meetings in all continents to find out the target time for the races and the quantity of races x championship, SA event and NA event should perform this question during their 2011 events, also the question should rise at the 2012 EC.

Meetings during the Worlds in Milwaukee and the day after, the ISA will request the MYC to leave an afternoon free in which the meetings should start. To continue during of the event if there is no wind or the day after the event finishes.


- Poul Richard Høj Jensen suggestion as Wild card for 2012 VYG was accepted.
- CE certification for the Soling, the ISA will ask Tim Tavinor the requirements to grant CE certification, etc.
- Nationality of the winner, the committee will look into the different class rules on how to define the boat nationality and will circulate proposals.

download complete minutes here:

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ACGM - 05/10/2010
The 42st Annual General Meeting & 71th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the BYC, Starnbergsee, Germany, October 4 & 5 of 2010 at 9:00 am. The 42st Annual General Meeting & 71th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the BYC, Starnbergsee, Germany, October 4 & 5 of 2010 at 9:00 am.
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The 42st Annual General Meeting & 71th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the BYC, Starnbergsee, Germany, October 4 & 5 of 2010 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
One of the biggest meetings the Soling Class had in the past 20 years:
The following Committee Members :
Johan Offermans(NED), Roman Koch(GER), Heino Shuckmann(GER), Gernot Heller(GER), Maxl Koch(GER), Tom Mitchel(CAN), Charlie Kamps(USA), Ashley Henderson(USA), Johann Kahls(AUT), Ludwig Beurle(AUT), Nicola Armellini(ITA), Peter Szucs(HUN), George Wossala(HUN), Tomas Peuvrel(ARG), Karl Haist(GER)
note: It includes the Life Members that now are part of the Committee.
The following observers and NSA representatives:
Frank Lavrsen(DEN), Peter Neumann(AUT), Peter Hall(CAN), Markus Stallhoffer(GER), Martin Zeleis (AUT), Christian Nothhaaft(AUT), Susanne Steingross(GER), Stephan Beurle(AUT), Ben Medentorp(NED), Thomas Mashkiwitz(GER)

George Wossala put a motion on the table to accept the quorum for the AGM and for the ACM even if meeting was starting early, Tom Mitchell seconded and Ludwig Beurle indicated that it was ok to continue with the meeting, since no other NSA representatives neither Committee Members would be arriving the next days to attend the one, and it was present in the room more than 80% of the Soling Class representatives.

To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website).

It was unanimously approved by the committee.


a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January (2010)2011.
Michele Tognozzi (ITA) commencing first term, replacing Tina Mikland (NOR) finishing second term.
Frank Lavrsen (DEN ) commencing first term, replacing Johan Offermans (NED) finishing third term.
George Wossala (HUN) commencing second term.

It was noted that in this agenda this item had a wrong date for commencing the term and Ludwig Beurle puts a motion to change the date from 2010 to 2011, seconded by Roman Koch and approved unanimously by the Assembly.

The new elected members were approved by the AGM and names forwarded to the ACM, unanimously.

b) ISA Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2011 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010 )
i. President for a term of two years Johan Offermans
ii. Vice President (I) for a term of two years George Wossala
iii. Vice President (P) for a term of one year Roman Koch
iv. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins
v. Treasurer for a term of one year. Hamish Loudon

Ludwig Beurle seconded the Nominating Committee to approve in a single slot the above nominations, the one was approved unanimously.

i. To receive a financial report for the year 2009–2010 ( appendix no. 4 )
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2011–2012 ( appendix no. 5 ).
iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors ( appendix no. 6)

The accounts are presented by Matias with provisory numbers untill the one is Audited. And Informed the AGM that ISA situation changed radically into a better position. Listed in the minutes are the audited accounts, showing only a defict around 200 GBP.

It is also presented the budget for the next year, were Johan Offermans noticed of the issue related to Matias’ computer. Peter Hall, Frank Lavrsen with donations and/or advertising on SS/ and ISA will buy a new with a unanimously agreement amongst all present modifying the budget as it was, including the income from Frank and Peter and the new expense for ISA.
It was increased in the Budget the amount for the secretary traveling to 1400 GBP, making possible with some effort by the GSA (50% air ticket), George Wossala (boat and accomodation) the trip of the secretary for the worlds despite the natural trip to the end of the season to take part at the meetings after the Europeans.

It was noted by Matias that the debtor’s list was really small, and that many appearing there already made their deposits, a situation not seeing before in the ISA. A few countries would send more monies as differences in membership rising in the last month.

i. To receive provisional 2010 membership list ( appendix no. 8 ) .

It was noted that membership numbers recovered and that situation at September 30th was similar to 2008, and increasing.

ii. Norwegian Issue, Letter from NSF, emails exchange, etc

Johan Offermans, explained the situation generated with the Norwegian Sailing Federation, the letters exchange and their lack of support regarding the ISA rules compliance during their National championship. George Wossala explained that there were two ways to go with the issue, one the hard way digging deep into ISAF regulations formal letters, etc and more soft issue by dialog and talking to NSF at the ISAF meetings, etc. Peter Hall from ISAF constituion committee and George offered to speak with them at the meetings. The committee agree and will wait for what could come out of these negotiations.

iii. To discuss 2011 membership dues – possibilities of payment through paypal, paypal fees, early down payment discount, etc.
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.)
The ISA Committee decided to maintain the same membership fee structure where boat registration fee 30 GBP validates the MF and MC of the boat and the membership card 10 GBP is individual and non transferable amongst different members. Like any NSA paying the membership monies to ISA are responsabile for paying the bank charges that are produced by this transaction it was decided that the membership monies coming trhough paypal should reflect the paypal expense, reason the fees through the online system were increased a little where a 3 cards + 1 sticker will be 63 GBP, 1 card + 1 sticker will be 42 GBP and 1 card will be 12 GBP.

iv. To decide color of 2010 stickers and membership cards.


2011 Colors? - Pink ink, and white background.

The Koch suggested that the sticker or the cards should have a phanter foot print in it; a test would be made, but unlikely to be acceptable.

a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2011. (Note: NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitled now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members, those with proxy rights):
The nominations are:

Only a few names were received at the meetings, the following are names sent by the NSAs after the meetigns:
Nicola Armellini(ITA), Pontus Berglund (SWE), Dave Parle (AUS), Peter Hall (CAN), Kazuo Hanaoka (JPN), Dr. Gernot Heller (GER), Maxl Koch (GER), Heino Shuckmann (GER), Ashley Henderson (USA), John Morgan (ISV/USA), Yves-Jambu Merlin(FRA), Johan Kahls(AUT), Hamish Loudon (UK), Peter Szucs(HUN), Johan Offermans (NED), Nelson Ilha (BRA), Santiago Nottebohm(ARG).
b) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies at the Executive Committee commencing 1st January 2011 (note: the ISA is now working under the new constitution released on January first of 2010 )
vi. 4th Executive Member (elected by the ISA Committee) Tom Mitchell (CAN)

Note: Regulation 4.13 The nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies for a period of one year, except the Nominating Committee that is for a two years period.

vii. Chairman of the Technical Committee – J. Pierre Marmier
viii. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
ix. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Ashley Henderson
x. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Gyorgy Wossala
xi. Editor – Iain Loudon

Johan Offermans advised the committee that Jean Pierre Marmier was suggesting that Lazslo Hegymegi soon continues with the chair of the Technical Committee, the ISA Committee agree that 2011 would be a transition year where JPM would continue as chairman and slowly LH will be involved with the chair tasks, etc.

Either the fourth member of the executive and the chairman of the different committeee nominated by the President were unanimoulsy approved by the ISA committee.

c) 2011 Executive Committee
To designate four Committee members. (Constitution Rule 4.11 states that the President and Vice Presidents shall always be three of its members. The fourth member shall be elected by the ISA Committee.
The four members of the Excutive are: Johan Offermans, George Wossala, Roman Koch, Tom Mitchell.

i. Boat numbering and codes for Soling with plaque missing or older than first ISAF no.
(see Appendix 2 )
ii. Changes in Class Rules
iii. Changes for Young helm properties (age of 28 for Worlds and 25 for Europeans and other Continentals), suggestion from Rudy the Outer to increase the age. Note that these teams receive a discount on entry fees and championship fees.
iv. Proposed Agreement form (Appendix 1 )
The proposed Agrement form that now is a contract form, was properly fixed by Peter Hall during the meetings and beyond. The new version of the contract was approved by the ISA committee. At the appendix now is the final version already published at the web.
The age changes proposed by Rudy for the differnet special trophies were not accepted by the ISA, also it was noted that a change if accepted would require a full acceptance of Trophy donators and their deed of gift.
Matias explained the issue of boat ISAF numbers, just before the Committee approved Rudy’s proposal to sail numbering change to reflect the ISAF plaque, the decision was to solve the issue with boats that doens’t have the ISAF number and once this is solved set a one year time limit for all sail number changes, this would require a class rule change further approval from ISAF. Frank Lavrsen together with the Technical committee would check with ISAF the solution for the missing ISAF numbers.

An important decision regarding measurement was decided to decrease competitor’s time away from home: a two year measurement dispensation at events if nothing was changed since last measurement done at the boat. The general idea was set a card for the measurement, but that wasn’t necessary as it can be online listed for each boat. The main thing to solve was on how to mark the equipment measured (sticker’s selfdestructives, etc.) It was noted by the technical committee if part of the equipment is changed it should be up to the measurer to perform a complete measurement again or just the replaced equipment. This first full measurement would start to apply during the 2011 Worlds.

Johan Offermans also noted that he was worried about the last time check on harnesses flotation and quick releases system, Matias noted that during the Worlds in 2007, 2005, 2001 this was checked, It was also mentionned that it was better to have the checks at the water and not inland at at the moorings. The Technical Committee made a note after the meetings that if checks are to be made in the water, the host shall provide adequate boats (inflatable ones) to jump on board no matter the seas situation, etc. Also it was noted by the TC that the number of checks in the water are less than the ones made at the mooring

Another important matter, the committee was concern about the One Design status of the Soling, and is looking forward to hear from the Technical Committee how tight are our rules regarding the sail measurements, against complete different shapes and sizes: an example of this question would be: what happens if a person wants to make a much smaller sail, will the one still fit the measurement or at some point the one just don’t fit anymore our regulations. The intention is to avoid some day that we have the heavy wind and the light wind main, etc: The chairman of the TC answered that they don’t see a problem with the present rules since so far they didn’t see a sailor trying to take advantage of a smaller sail, due to the fact that they can only have one main measured at the event.

Rudy’s suggestion that boats sailing with the previous 1992 sail letter and numbers identification should not be allowed to compete at the major events, the ISA committee approved the change and starting on January 1st of 2011 old sails sailing the major events should change their Letter codes.


3. 2010 EVENTS
i. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.
ii. To discuss any matters arising from members meetings (Porto Alegre & La Trinite) held during the year.

Roman Koch reported that the 2010 Worlds and Europeans were fantastic, social gathering, and even wind helped a lot, that while meetings were being held at the Masters another example of good event was shown, it was a pity just a few took the chance to visit Brasil or France, but both local fleets responded to their NSA call and were there not only sailing but also helping in the organization, etc.

The suggestion from Michele Tognozzi to supress the European Championship when the Worlds were being held in Europe made at the members meetings in La Trinite did not pass the motion at the ISA committee.
The idea of the spare day at the major events were somthign special to deal the majority of the committee didn’t want it but understood that in certain cases could be a good solution, specially when traveling far away, etc. The idea to have match racing in these spare days would be a decision of the organizers as a extra activities, etc.
Other suggestions in the members meetings were already covered at this minutes.

2011& Beyond
i. To receive a report from CYC, Germany the host of the 2011 World Championship at Lake Chiemsee.

We received a report from Roman Koch, Jury panel was already requested approval, some minor changes would be made, talking to David Chivers was already going on, website was already online and entries were expected, is going to be a big event, etc.

ii. To receive a report from SCK, Austria the host of the 2011 EC in Aug/Sept, Attersee.(note that AGF was received)

Stephan Beurle gave a report and in conjuction with the UYCAs announced earlier measurement for boats at the lake or sailing the week earlier the Zipfer cup and Austrian Championship, also accepted the situation that although they were doing the website by their own, the entry system and entry list should be based on ISA, a few changes would be made at the NOR to reflect ISA championship rules, etc.

iii. To receive a report from the MYC the future host of the 2012 Worlds, to be held in Milwaukee, USA.

Ashley Henderson, gave a report on how things were being developed inside USSA and at MYC, that one of the keys they were working were with the local fleet and boats to be available for overseas participants, etc.

iv. To receive a bids for 2012 EC event (NED)

Due to the date set for the worlds (September), then Netherlands would be changing their dates for late may / June, this was going to be checked with Johan Offermans with the club, also Johan commented on the concept that as far as you come, as cheap is your entry…

v. To receive bids for the 2011 & 2012 Master events & 2013 Worlds to be organized in Europe.
Riva d’Garda(ITA) and Balaton(HUN) are requesting 2011 Masters

The committee decided to allocate the 2013 Worlds to be organized in Hungary, and the 2012 Masters while the Europeans would be in Denmark.

vi. To receive the bid for the 2011 NA and 2011 SA events.

The 2011 NA will be organized at the MYC as a test event for the 2012 worlds, during same dates as the Worlds; the 2011 SA event will be organized in conjunction with a grade 2 ISAF event of olympic classes at the YCA in downtown Buenos Aires.

vii. To decide Liaison Officers to the 2011 WC, EC, NA, SA, MC

LO officers for Worlds: Johan Offermans, Europeans: George Wossala, Masters: Roman Koch, NA Champs: Charlie Kamps, SA Champs: Pablo Noceti

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Abbott Boats, BB Sailing.
The Actual plaque fee : £362.38 and last plaque sold was during 2009 to Abbott boats and boat number issued was 2548, however Petticrows is in process to sign the contract with ISAF as a licensed builder and it is producing his first boat that should receive boat number 2549.

By the time these minutes were being finished, ISAF notified ISA due to the reception of monies for plaque 2549 issued for Petticrows.

To discuss venue and date for the future 2011 members` meetings.
To discuss what was mentioned in the 2010 members` meetings (Apendix 3. ).

The next members meetings will be held at the 2011 Worlds in Chiemsee, but any other major championship desiring to have a members meetings should conduct the ones.

Next 2011 AGM and ACM will be held at the European Championship in Austria, the meeting might start earlier in case of no wind with the intention to achieve another great attendance. The weekend of the meeting will be around 3,4,5 of September.


The meeting was adjourned with a motion from Johan Offermans, seconded by Roman Koch.

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ACGM - 20/09/2009
The 41st Annual General Meeting & 70th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the EYC, Toronto, Canada, September 21 of 2009 at 9:00 am. The 41st Annual General Meeting & 70th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the EYC, Toronto, Canada, September 21 of 2009 at 9:00 am.
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The 41st Annual General Meeting & 70th Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held in conjuction at the EYC, Toronto, Canada, September 21 of 2009 at 9:00 am.


To take a roll call of NSA representatives for the AGM to establish that a quorum (5) is present and the Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present for the Committee Meeting.
The following nations were present for the AGM: Roman Koch (GER), Charlie Kamps(USA), John Morgan (ISV), Tom Mitchell (CAN), Johan Offermans (NED) .
Roman Koch was also holding a proxy from AUT representative Johan Kalhs.

The following committee members were present for the ACM: Roman Koch(GER), Johan Offermans(NED), John Morgan(holding proxy from Steve Bobo - USA), Tom Mitchell (CAN), Charlie Kamps (USA)
Also the following members had proxies from the following committee members:
Roman Koch(GER) :
- Johan Kalhs & Ludwig Beurle (AUT)
- Maxl Koch, Gernot Heller & Heino Shuckmann (GER)
Charlie Kamps(USA):
- Steve Dolan (USA)
John Morgan(ISV):
- Steve Bobo (USA)

The following members were present as observers:
Ashley Henderson (USA), Dave Richards (CAN), Hans Fogh(CAN), Rudy den Outer (NED)

The following apologizes were received:
Marcos Pinto Ribeiro(BRA) holding proxy from Nelson Ilha who had to flight earlier than expected
Kazuo Hanaoka (JPN) , Derek Priestley (UK), Hamish Loudon (UK) , Nicolas Pecha (FRA), Tina Mikland (NOR) mostly due to time and $ involved in the trip to attend the meetings.

2. MINUTES OF THE 40th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (September 2008, Scarlino), 68th & 69th COMMITTEE MEETING (August 2009, Lake Iseo)
To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website), note that 68th Committee Meetings were already approved by the Committee at Lake Iseo.
All minutes the 40th AGM and the 68 and 69th ACMs were approved unanimously. A special thanks were mentioned by Johan Offermans to the secretary for having them early and quickly as possible online.

a) Committee members
The following nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee for to fill vacancies at elected members for a 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2010.
Note: AGM nominated the following names:
Steve Dolan (USA ) commencing first term, replacing Chalie Kamps (USA) finishing third term.
Derek Priestley (UK ) commencing first term, replacing Hamish Loudon (UK) finishing third term.
Tom Mitchell (CAN) commencing second term.

The nominations were received by the AGM and names were elected unanimously with an especial mention about Charlie Kamps that will keep attending the meetings regularly and advising in all matters where law knowledge is involved.

Proposed by the ISA President in 2008 rectified and changes recommended by the ISA committee in 2009 at the past extraordinary 69th Committee Meeting held in Lake Iseo.
(New constitution at Appendix no 1)

The proposed new constitution was approved with the following amendments:
To keep the nominating committee as part of the structure, this means ad into 4.7.i to insert the following: Elect one of its members as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
Modify 5.3.3 and change to two members of the executive
Change in item 4.10 the reference to the AGM to the ACM.
The mention that the one will start asap ISAF approval and hopefully with the elections using the new constitution during the 2010 AGM, and new terms starting only on January 1st of 2011; But in practice ISA already started to accept nominations for Appointed members of countries with 10 or more members.
Charlie (USA) made a motion to approve the new constitution and Roman (GER) seconded, the new constitution were approved

i. To receive a financial report for the year 2008–2009 ( appendix no 2)
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
Matias explained the expenses and incomes, and that the ones were not final, since Audit would start soon, after analyzing the amount of monies the ISA is holding in the three bank accounts and in cash, Johan Offermans explained to the observers that the ISA unwritten policy was to hold enough monies to run one year without income. Matias informed anyway that together with the minutes the audited income x expenses would be posted instead the estimated one.

ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2009–2010 ( appendix no. 3 ).

The initial budget was analyzed and the following changes were made:
On Expenses It was decided not to spend in the calendar printing, the ISA would design the one, and will send it to its members, those willing to print would be able to do it so in the size & quality wished for them. This would save indirectly on postage also. From 2500 to 500 GBP.
It was also decided that other promotion items would be included with 500 GBP.
The committee also did not accept the 250 GBP salary reductions the secretary proposed.
On the Income side Johan Offermans expects to receive not less than 1000 GBP instead 200 GBP estimated, his company would ad on top of what is missing at the end of the next year.
The final balance of 550 GBP then was modified by the secretary to 450 GBP due to a mistake on the audit fee amount.

iii. To receive the provisional list of Debtors ( appendix no. 4 )
Matias mentioned that this list was already not accurate after Worlds’ championship fees were paid, and that the one would only be effective after September 31st. An accurate debtors’ list will be posted together with this minutes after Audit is finished and financial period ends.

i. To receive provisional 2009 membership list ( appendix no 5) .
Membership list was presented although the one end up only on December 31st and therefore, it will need to wait the final numbers of South American countries that will end up holding the SA event during December. Numbers are better than our worst years but smallers than our best ones after 2000.
ii. To discuss 2010 membership dues.
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.)
No changes on membership dues.
iii. To discuss actions on issues regarding the NOR membership.
(note: 2008 debt was paid in July but now the 2009 list rises with 18 boats sailing the NOR event and most didn’t pay the membership accordingly to the message received from Preben appendix no.8 )
As conclusion of many discussions by the committee where all agree that actions have to be taken quickly.
Johan Offermans will speak with Preben Asbjørnrød to clarify the situation of 2009 members. Depending on answers the following would be the actions –
a) exclude from results at the NOR Championship and Scandinavian cup the non members and forward to the Norwegian Sailing Federation the new results to be announced at the one, since a clear ISAF regulation and a rule of ISA is being broke and also a rule on the Notice of Race of the event.
b) Also exclude from results of the EC and any other ranked events the names of NOR boats non members.
c) With one observation, ranking points for other teams would remain the same as are now since the exclusion teams from results would change the final points for a race.
d) Also Norway would be banned of organizing ISA events and not be considered for the 50th upcoming anniversary of the class.
e) Norwegian sailors attending to international events would be paying at each event the membership dues direct to the ISA and the NSK would lose recognition of the ISA.

iv. To decide color of 2010 stickers and membership cards.


2010 Colors? -
Blue letters and logo, yellow background.

a) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2010. (Note that actual constitution might be changed and if thatn happens at the AGM who comes before this meeting then NSAs with 10 and more but less than 20 members are entitle now to appoint a member that must be present in person at the meetings without proxy rights. Also NSAs are entitle to appoint one member if they have 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members, those with proxy rights):
The nominations are:
Charlie Kamps (USA), Ashley Henderson(USA), Hamish Loudon(UK), Tomas Peuvrel (ARG), Nicolas Pecha (FRA), Michele Tognozzi(FRA), Maxl Koch(GER), Gernot Heller(GER), Peter Szucs(HUN), Pontus Berglund(SWE), Johan Kalhs(AUT), Nelson Ilha(BRA), Paul Bryan (CAN), Kazuo Hanaoka (JPN)

b) Officers
Due to the possibility that the new Constitution is approved before this meeting some changes about the officer’s election might change: names will be fitted into the new positions. And the ISA will like to thank the Nominating Committee job that would be trespassing to the Executive their functions. These names
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2010
i. Vice President (exec member) for a term of one year Roman Koch
ii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins
iii. Treasurer for a term of one year. Hamish Loudon
iv. 3rd Executive Member (elected by the Committee) – George Wossala

Note: Regulation 7.10 The nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies.

v. Chairman of the Technical Committee – J. Pierre Marmier
vi. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
vii. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Ashley Henderson
viii. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Gyorgy Wossala
ix. Editor – Iain Loudon
x. Vice President (admin elected by President & 4th Exec member) – Tom Mitchell

The above officer’s names were approved unanimously after a motion presented by Charlie and seconded by John Morgan.

c) 2008 Executive Committee
To designate four Committee members. (Constitution Rule 7.8 states that the President and Vice President shall always be two of its members. The third member shall be elected by the ISA Committee, and the fourth member shall be appointed by the President.

The following names are the Executive Committee for 2010 – Johan Offermans (NED – President), Roman Koch (GER – Vice President), Tom Mitchell (CAN – Vice President of administration), György Wossala (HUN – Third executive member)

i. To introduce the change at the Championship Rules regarding entry fees Masters and Jury (Appendix 6 – recommendation from the 69th Committee Meeting)
The new fees of maximum 450 euros (including 75 euros of championship fees) for Worlds and continental events and the 350 euros (including 75 euros of championship fees) for Masters were explained and also that Jury for the Masters won’t need to be international panel.
ii. To propose a new perpetual trophy & the deed of gift of the one donated by Stuart Walker (Appendix 7 – this was discussed at the ISA Committee Members and accepted in general with concerns about the keeping and follow-up of the trophy)
The proposed deed of gift and bowl was accepted by the Committee and first winner was Hans Fogh.

3. 2009 EVENTS
i. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.
Roman Koch gave details on how great the two major events EC and WC this year were and that the Masters also were well organized despite the internal and endless issues in between the lakes in Austria leaving the competition with less attendance of Austrians in their national event, also it was mentioned the rent issue where prices went up with no real demand making attendance more and more difficult to overseas countries, a situation expected to be found also in Brasil 2010.
ii. To discuss any matters arising from members meetings (Toronto) held during the year.
Ashley Henderson new Communications Chair took note of various ideas on Soling promotion, most of the issues that were rised during the members meetings held in Toronto. Like the possibility to have Solings in Boat shows, Brochures, a Promotional video, Boats belonging to the class to introduce the one to newcomers to the class, etc. It was noted the quantity of Woman and young crews appeared at the World Championship 2009 in Toronto.

i. To receive a report from VDS, Brazil the host of the 2010 World Championship at Porto Alegre.
Nothing was received since the Brazilians couldn’t attend the meetings due to their air ticket time schedule.
ii. To receive the bid from BYC, Germany to host the 2010 Masters in September, Starnbergsee (note that this was discussed and the ISA Committee recommends the eventto be held at Starnbergsee)
The Event was rectified by the Committee to be held mid and end of September just some days before the German Open. A letter to the BYC and Karl Haist was sent already. During the next weeks Secretariat office will send the Agreement form.
iii. To receive a report from the ISA Committee (Roman Koch) regarding the 2010 EC, to be held in La Trinite.
The note was that ISA still struggling in communication with the organizer and FSA, so far the name in charge would be Nicolas Pecha and communication should be with the ISA office. The secretariat already sent the NOR prepared with their information but no answer so far from FSA neither the Societé Nautique La Trinité
iv. To receive a bid for the 2010 SA Champs from Brazil.
Brazilians will organize the event and will arrange with the Argentinean Soling Association to better place the event.
v. To receive the bid for the NA champs that might be in the US again since Canada is hosting the 2009 worlds.
The venue of the NA is already decided and it will be in Canada, again in Ontario but this time in Bath at the Loyalist Cove Marina. Dates will be confirmed soon.
vi. To decide Liaison Officers to the 2010 WC, EC, NA, SA
WC – George Wossala or Roman Koch or in last case Nelson Ilha, EC – Johan Offermans, NA – Tom Mitchell, SA – Nelson Ilha.

i. To receive a report from CYC, Germany to host the Worlds 2011 by Roman or Maxl Koch
Roman gave a brief description of the event, and that a rental boat list is already being prepared. A big fleet is expected.
ii. To receive a report from SCK, EC host in 2011 note: AUT already sent the agreement form
ISA secretariat received message from Carl Auteried that after his vacacion a committee would be put together and a name of contact person would be forwarded to the ISA to prepare the details.

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Bootswerft Mader, Abbott Boats, BB Sailing.
The Actual plaque fee : £362.38 and 2 plaques were sold during 2008 last boat number issued is 2546.
Matias explained the two Solings ready to go standing in BB yard in Denmark, the actual situation of the building.
Hans Fogh confirmed that Paul Richard is interested in building Solings, as he has Moulds and everything also to produce masts; the note was they want to introduce some changes on the construction method to make it cheaper, faster and safe. ISA will receive the proposal and analyze the possibilities before granting any new license.
It was noted that Brazil will be presenting some boats sailing with their new mast during the worlds as well.

i. It was decided to hold one members’ meeting in each continental and world event. i.e one at the 2010 Brazil worlds, 2010 France Europeans, and 2010 Canada NAs.

i. The Annual General Meeting and Committee Meeting 2010 will be held in Germany one day after the conclusion of the Masters event in the BYC and it will again use one day and half of meetings. Expected to end of September.

Rudy den Outer :
Rudy explained the VYG, the concepts involving the event, the difficulties of the organization and also that the next edition of the one would be 7 to 15 July – 2012 – Lake Como.

He also was worried about technical aspects of the class and requested the technical committee to keep an eye on the following items:
a) Change in the number of window in the sails into a max area limitation (Hans Fogh will come with a proposal, the idea is the safety on the crossings and the modern look to help promote)
b) Change in format sail number, to leave the NSA number and use the boat plaque to show the real number of boats around the world, effects again also in promotion of the class, and also in sail number control of the boats (Matias explained that there are many old boats without a serial number, and that ISA would have to find a solution on how to numer them).
c) To keep an eye on price decreases on material for Masts, Boom, and spi boom
d) To keep an eye on Sail materials and the new options(Hans Fogh explained that the Dacron still the best and cheapest, maylar was already used in four years by the class with lack of acceptation and only increased cost)
e) To keep an eye on deck design , construction modifications, etc. It was reminded by Matias that during the Meetings 2007 in Arendal the committee already decided that new ways of building or deck changes should be proposed by actual builders and/or new ones for further exhaustive analisis and that the ones are not discarded by the committee specially if en essence the boat is the same.
Hans Fogh
Hans suggested that on all major events a Practice race should be held, not because of the competitors but because of the RO, so they are up to the task for the following races of the event.
Hans also suggested that ISA should make an effort and maybe participate in order that after each race competidors are received at the moorings with drinks, promoting the social aspect.
Hans also thinks that we should study some exciting things to the Soling, and included an idea of a Assimetrical spinnaker using actual equipment in the boat, he said he will test it and come with a proposal.

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ACM - 08/08/2009
The 69th Extraordinary Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the A.V.A.S., Lake Iseo, Italy, August 8, 2009 at 9:00 am The 69th Extraordinary Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the A.V.A.S., Lake Iseo, Italy, August 8, 2009 at 9:00 am
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The 69th Extraordinary Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the A.V.A.S., Lake Iseo, Italy, August 8, 2009 at 9:00 am

Download complete minute here

To take a roll call of Elected and Appointed Committee members present to establish that a quorum (5) is present.Committee Members Present:
Roman Koch (GER), Johan Offermans(NED), Anders Borresen(DEN), Charlie Kamps(USA), Nicola Armellini(ITA) and Tomas Peuvrel(ARG).
Tomas Peuvrel holding proxy from Santiago G. Cantelli (ARG) and Pablo Noceti (ARG)
Nicola Armellini holding proxy from Michele Tognozzi (ITA)
Roman Koch holding proxy from Maxl Koch(GER), Heino Shuckmann(GER), Gernot Heller(GER), Johan Koalhs(AUT) and Ludwig Beurle(AUT).
Johan Offermans holding proxy from George Wossala (HUN).
Lino Locatelli (ITA) – Local fleet of AVAS
Pierre Coudron (FRA) – Representing the French organizing the EC 2010.

2. MINUTES OF THE 68th COMMITTEE MEETING (September 2008, Scarlino)
To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website).
The Scarlino meetings minutes were approved unanimously.

i. To receive a brief report on financial situation so far for 2008–2009. See appendix 1 note: the period only ends on September 31st, and will be fully reviewed at the annual meeting.
A briefing about the especial situation was made by Matias, since the lower income earlier in the year and increase of expenses placed the ISA in a difficult situation, it was also explained the measures taken like carrying magazines to Europe instead shipping through normal mail, or collecting EC championship fees and other in cash to avoid the wire transfers from ISA saving Bank charges, etc. Situation is coming back to normal as NSAs pays in their annual contributions, but budget other fees and promotional material should be reviewed by the committee.

Roman Koch exposed how is done in Germany, and the ISA will recommend the NSAs on how to get money automatically from the banks like the GSA is doing in Germany mid January allowing them to pay ISA.

Also Roman suggested combining the ISA Calendar and printing the one in Europe. The ISA will study with the GSA about the format, the shipping, the printing and picture selection.

About the Norwegian situation, Charlie proposed to find out the real situation and to decide how the ISA should follow with big debts, Norway debt from 2008 were paid during July but now the ISA will like to know the 2009 situation.

i. To receive provisional 2009 membership list. See appendix 2.
The Membership list was presented, and a low down is forecasted or numbers will be close to what it was in 2008, the main questions remain with USA / Canada / Argentina / Brazil / France and Sweden.

i. To discuss / present different proposals for Event Jury designations.
Matias made a proposal regarding the selection of Jury, by collecting in advance a fixed fee from the club and ISA would take care of the matter. The ISA Championship Rules are clear and ISAF rules are clear as well. The proposals have to come from the club and not from the National Federation; also the approval belongs to the ISA.Also Roman told about Chris Simon`s involvement in the class and that he is not being invited to the events.
The ISA Committee recommendation and decision on the matter is to try to get in touch with the key person for each event and work earlier with the issue with the clubs, the idea to have at least one year in advance the jury selected and approved, a difficult task but it looks possible with some event organizers.

ii. To discuss changes to the constitution as prosposed.
The Constitution proposal for changes suffered minor changes to be forwarded to all NSAs and Committee members, the idea is to get with this document done by the AGM in Toronto.
The issue rised with the appointed members selection that now will have a minimum of 10 members in a country giving rights to appoint a member to be present in person to show desire of involvement, 20 or more but lower than 70 members grant same number of appointed members but with proxy rights, 70 or more but less than 130 two appointed members with proxy rights and 130 and more 3 appointed members with proxy rights.Other changes in the proposal were related with the who should be present at Committee Meetings and AGM, where at least 1 member of the exec committee should be present, also communications should include word – and by email – to avoid confusion as nowadays most of the communication is done by email, etc. The full proposal will be forwarded soon to the Committee Members and NSAs for review and submission for approval at the AGM in Toronto.

iii. To discuss Master`s World status and special Championship Rules for the one.
Roman proposed to change the rules (Championship Rules) to make an exception on the International Jury about the Masters. The ISA will together with ISAF explain the reasons and grant the ISAF approval for such an event without an International Jury.

iv. To discuss ISA championship fees (see appendix 3)

Roman exposed the financial proposal for running events, about the championship fees, the ISA will recommend to the Annual General Meeting a 450 euro highest entry fee for worlds and continentals including 75 euros as championship fees that should go to the ISA in cash to be paid before the end event. And the highest amount of entry fee for Masters 350 Euros maximum including the 75 euros for the championship fee. The motion was placed by Johann seconded by Charlie Kamps.

v. To discuss ISA merchandising proposal (see appendix 3)
Roman exposed the idea of collecting fees from logos in shirts, it was a general consensus that the class is in no position to control that at every event.
Also Roman proposed the Marinepool `sponsorship` and deal as a club edition, the ISA will recommend the AGM to be accept the partnership with Marinepool.

i. To propose and/ or receive a bid for the 2010 Masters
The ISA received the bid by the Bayerische YC at Starnbergsee to host the 2010 Masters in September in conjunction with the Hirt Prist. Well known that Karl Haist former ISA president and Masters champion twice is behind the scenes the ISA is looking forward for a high quality event running in parallel with the October fest in Munich.

ii. To inform situation about 2010 Worlds (Dates, organization progress)
Matias gave a report about the new shipping deal, and how are the facilities of the yacht club. Also informed that a few boats will be available for rent in Argentina, and to those willing to purchase a new one, there is always the option for a new BB.

8. ACM AND AGM - 2009
i. To prepare the Committee recommendations to the Annual General Meeting and Annual Committee Meeting that will be held in Toronto next September.

Matias will put a report to the AGM and ACM in Toronto with the decisions taken at this meeting.

- New Perpetual Trophy proposal by Stuart Walker
The ISA idea supports the idea but would like not to have the responsibility over the trophy to get the one in place. ISA office will contact Stuart and comment all the questions rose.

-Vintage Games
Charlie supports that we see how it goes the 2012 edition, and since subscription decreased he will donate the 200 euro for the 2009 due. The ISA will put the event in the calendar. Matias will be in touch with the organizers.

-Antonio Tanger
Antonio has sent an email selling the boat and the secretary notice that he didn`t pay the 2009 dues. The main issue was that being a VP in the association that creates a conflict.

-Digitalization of the Moulds
Anders explained the reason of no need to have them digitalized, since many moulds are around available. Johan informed that maybe the brother of Brammy would do the favour to digitalize for free the moulds.

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AGM - 10/09/2008
The 40th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am. The 40th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am.
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The 40th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am.

To take a roll call represented in person or by proxy.

2. 39TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (August 2007, Arendal)
To approve the minutes (previously circulated).
Roman Koch(GER), Derek Priestley(UK), Jean Pierre Marmier (SUI), Antonio Tanger(POR), Manuel Tanger(POR), Johan Offermans(NED), Johan Kahls(AUT), Michele Tognozzi(ITA)

To receive the following nominations from the nominating Committee for the election of Committee members for three year terms of office commencing 1st January 2009:
Ludwig Beurle (AUT) commencing first term of office
Pablo Noceti (ARG) commencing second term of office
Roman Koch (GER)commencing second term of office

(N. B. In accordance with the Constitution the election of Officers, the Executive Committee, Chairmen of sub-Committees, etc will be made during the Committee meeting. See attached Committee meeting agenda for further details).
Nomination accepted with a special thanks to the Nomination committee.

To receive a provisory financial statement for the year ending on 30th September 2008 (see Appendix No 1).

It was a general consensus that Treasurer should look into a way to optimize the bank situation, salaries, bank expenses, etc.

To receive from the working party consisted by the Technical Advisor, Johan Offermans, Roman Koch & Charlie Kamps all the constitution changes proposals in consequence of rule changes and other modifications.

Discussion on the matter, Johan explained his vision, where boat technically should not change equipment but promotion should go beyond the Soling circle.

Also it was explained the proposed changes and during the ACM lots of inputs were done, like changing voting rights in the ACM where Countries with one active team would have a vote but no proxy rights, 20 members - 2 votes with proxy rights, 70 - 3 votes with proxy rights, 130 – 4 votes with proxy rights.
Also the structure of the ISA should change where 1 president + 3 VP and only 2 carry subcommittee responsibilities, etc.
Term period for Executive members Jean Pierre Marmier propose a modification for a 1st term of 4 years, then a second term of 2 years and a third of 2 years, on majority of vote on re-election. Other little changes will be made in the proposed constitution.
Johan proposed to the secretary and the life member had votes, Matias and Derek strongly recommended not, although was decided that the Secretary then could receive proxy from members in the committee.
The AGM decision was that the ACM should discuss and finalize the proposed document of the new constitution and then to come back in an extraordinary AGM to vote on the new document. It was agree that changes to simplify should be done.

To decide the date and venue.
Next AGM will be held after the Toronto`s Worlds

Johan Offermans propose to adjourn the AGM, Roman seconded, all in favour.

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ACM - 10/09/2008
The 68th Annual Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am The 68th Annual Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am
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The 68th Annual Committee Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Club Nautico Scarlino, La Marina di Scarlino, Via del Puntone, Scarlino (GR), Italy, September 10, 2008 at 9:00 am

Download Full Minute here
The following committee members were present:
Derek Priestley(UK), Roman Koch(GER), Johan Offermans(NED), Johann Khals(AUT), Michele Tognozzi(ITA)

Proxies presented:
-Roman holding proxies for Rose Hoeksema(USA), Gernot Heller(GER), Jan Kirkedam(NOR), Tom Mitchell(CAN), Maxl Koch(GER).
-Johan(NED) holding proxies for Steve Bobo(USA), George Wossala(HUN)
-Hubert Lefevre(FRA) proxy holding from Nicolas Pecha (FRA) only presented the bid on Friday after the meetings, he was not present at the meetings.

Antonio Tanger(POR), Manuel Tanger(POR), Jean Pierre Marmier(Tech Chairman, SUI)

2. MINUTES OF THE 67th COMMITTEE MEETING (August 2007, Arendal)
To approve these Minutes (previously circulated and published at the website ). Approved unanimously

a) Committee members
Elected – to receive names from AGM of newly elected members for 3-year terms of office commencing 1st January 2008. Note: AGM nominated names: Roman Koch (GER) commencing second term, Pablo Noceti (ARG) commencing second term & Ludwig Beurle (AUT) commencing first term.
A proposal by Derek to approve the nominations and if constitution would be changed then the nominations names should be inserted in the new constitution system, Roman seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.

b) Appointed members – to receive from relevant NSAs the names of their Appointed committee members for 2008. (N.B. One each for NSAs with 20+ members two each for 70+ members and three each for 130+ members):
Michele Tognozzi (ITA), was the only name appointed at this meeting, Countries with 20 or more members are entitle to appoint their appointed members until December 31st of 2008, Appointed members term starts on January 1st of 2009 and will end on December 31st of 2009.

c) Officers
To receive nominations from the Nominating Committee for the following Vacancies commencing 1st January 2008
i. President (exec member) for a term of two years. Johan Offermans
ii. Vice President (exec member) for a term of one year George Wossala
iii. Secretary for a term of one year. Matias Collins
iv. Treasurer for a term of one year. Hamish Loudon
v. 3rd Executive Member (elected by the Committee) – Roman Koch

Note: Regulation 7.10 the nominations described above shall not preclude others made by members of the ISA Committee.
The nominations were approved unanimously and again with a possibility that the constitution would suffer changes related to the officers elected then these nominations would fit in the new system and start from zero their terms, but as an exception would be the Elected members since Committee would manage to fit all names already chosen , in the new positions and into the terms designed in the new constitution.

To receive nominations from the President and to elect to office persons to fill the following vacancies.
vi. Chairman of the Technical Committee – J. Pierre Marmier
vii. Chairman of the Championship Committee – Roman Koch
viii. Chairman of the Communications Committee – Manuel Tanger
ix. Chairman of the Nominating Committee – Gyorgy Wossala
x. Editor – Iain Loudon
xi. Vice President (admin elected by President & 4th Exec member) – Antonio Tanger

All names were approved and if constitution is changed then titles will change, and periods will fit the new constitution. These names then would rise from the Committee meeting as a Committee nomination and not the Nomination committee that would be eliminated.

d) 2008 Executive Committee
To designate four Committee members. (Constitution Rule 7.8 states that the President and Vice President shall always be two of its members. The third member shall be elected by the ISA Committee, and the fourth member shall be appointed by the President.

i. To receive a financial report for the year 2007–2008 ( appendix no 1)
note: the financial period only ends on September 31st,.
A brief explanation on income and expenditure was made by Matias although Audited accounts were not ready. At these minutes we are presenting include the Audited accounts. And the following notes added from the Secretary to the audit:

The income proportion in between Membership Fees / Championship Fees / Sail Labels / Reimbursement Fees were not exact, where Membership Fee would be much lower and the others would rise – the total is ok. The same happens to expenses in different areas and the most significant would be meeting expenses and travel & subsistence, since for the meetings almost nothing came into the category and air ticket to the meetings were considered as a travel & subsistence expense.

ii. To receive the proposed budget for 2008–2009 ( appendix no. 2 ).
The budget was approved with the following changes below:
A new item was added for active promotion with an amount of 800 in case no sponsorship is achieved for that purpose. And this was proposed by Michele and seconded by Johan approved by all.
Derek also proposed to rise the Salary of the Secretary, and Johan seconded to rise 7500 to 8000 GBP. All in favour. Note: the secretary was against to this decision at least until we received the audited accounts.

iii. To receive the list of Debtors ( appendix no. 3 )
The debtors list is attached below.

i. To receive provisional 2008 membership list ( appendix no 4) .
The membership list is attached below.
iv. To discuss 2009 membership dues.
(Actual = Boat registration fee £30 and individual membership fee £10.)
No Changes in fee structure
ii. To decide color of 2009 stickers and membership cards.
White Letters
Red background

i. To review promotion and growth of the Class
Roman propose that the Chairman of the Communications Committee present in paper / media a proposal, this was accepted and the future Chairman of the Communications Committee will present in paper the media proposals.

i. To receive an advertising report for the Soling Class (also Appendix 6.).
The report was presented by Matias

i. To receive a report from the Tina regarding the Master Moulds.
The issue of the Master moulds are complicated as the responsibility falls into 4 different faces: The ISA is the one of them with the minor % in the shares, followed then by ISAF and then by Linge and Linge Yachts; so the the decision of the committee was that ISA will get in touch with the Linge family and see their support on the issue, also the Technical committee will check the possibility of the laser scan of the master mould, and check also with ISAF which other possibilities exists since they share responsibility as well. The insurance to move and store the Moulds were too high.

ii. To receive a report regarding the BB building in Argentina .
Matias gave a petit report on the production the issue the timing for order, Anders although planned to come to give the full report ended up choosing to see the sailors during the worlds instead a few at the meetings.

iii. To receive a report regarding the Abbott Mast production and the new possible masts.
Abbott mast are available in Europe(DEN) and SA(ARG) & NA(CAN) , Niels Rump made a new mast in Brasil and it is also available there you can contact for more information.

iv. To discuss changes to the constitution as prosposed (Appendix 5)
The constitution was fully discussed during the AGM with the agreement that something could be made to simplify the one, during the ACM Johan’s proposal got into more details and some objections, suggestions and modifications were proposed by the committee. At the end the decision was to re write the proposed one with all the new input (Johan took note of these into his proposal), once the new proposal is ready the one will be sent to all committee members, the intention was then to call quickly a extraordinary AGM and ACM in order to approve the one and forward the changes to ISAF as quick as possible.

v. To discuss timetable and roles for rule changes (Appendix 5)
Not discussed since the Constitution has to be approved by the committee , this is the first part of a major change.

vi. To discuss Classic Perpetual prize boat built date (decrease by request of Italian S.A.)
Italy proposed the change; the committee didn’t see the need to change the age of the Classic Trophy.

9. 2008 EVENTS
i. To receive a report from the Championship Committee on events generally.
Roman Koch gave a petit report from the EC, Masters, Worlds 07 and Vitorio Porta’s trophy. Johan gave a report from the British Nationals, and Matias gave a report from Zipfer Cup.

ii. To discuss any matters arising from members meetings held during the year. Members Meeting Minutes (see appendix no. 9).
Johan started explained the main reason to put the submission, shown the Soling name to all ISAF members, etc. But the submission was not accepted by the ISAF as the one although inside the submission’s date limits was not following a OC Equipment selection memo that required that submissions were sent before March 15th (note members meetings were late April during the Masters).

i. To receive a report from EYC, Canada the host of the 2009 World Championship at Toronto (note that Agreement Form is signed and received since 2007).
Roman gave the report, jury panel is ready, starting on September 14th Ken Lexus support the major issue came with the boat availability and the price of the ones, etc. Roman will check with the organization the package deal trying to compensate the elevated cost of the rental. And other opportunities.
ii. To receive the bid from AVAS, Italy the host of the 2009 European Championship (note that Agreement Form is signed and received since 2008)
Starting on July 31st till 7 of August the event was confirmed by the Italian officers.
iii. To receive a bid for the 2009 Masters to be held in UYCWg, Austria (note that Agreement Form is signed and receivedby email on 2009)
The bid was accepted but the following note was made: The Masters importance is higher than the combined event and therefore prize giving / communications, etc should focus on the Masters.
iv. To receive a bid for the 2009 SA Champs from Argentina.
It was left to Argentina’s decision that has in mind to attract as many Brazilian sailors as possible and that will co organize the event in Uruguay if that is necessary.
v. To receive the bid for the NA champs that should be in the US.
Milwaukee by default will run the event if no other club offers it in the US.
vi. To decide Liaison Officers to the 2009 WC, EC, NA, SA
Charlie Kamps for the WC,
Roman Koch for EC,
Tom Mitchell for NA champs,
Nelson Ilha for SA champs,
Johan Offermans for the Masters.

i. To receive a report from VDS, Porto Alegre to host the Worlds 2010 by a VDS member and competitor Marcos. P. Ribeiro.
Nothing was received, neither Marcos came to the meeting, neither Carlo de Leo who was called to assist the meeting were able to reach the venue in time.
ii. To receive bids for possible EC host: NED or FRA or AUT . The bids are presented by Offermans, Pecha and Auteried (AUT also bids for Worlds)
note: AUT already sent the agreement form, FRA and NED are bringing the ones at the Worlds.
Carl Auteried presented the bid to host either the Worlds or EC event during one of the following years 2010, 2011 and 2012; preference for dates is the end of August till middle of September.
Johan Offermans gave his presentation about the EC that could be during May, and could be 2010 and 2012.
Bid from Chiemsee Lake for hosting the Worlds in 2011. During May, it was noted that the prize giving should be in English, discussion arose regarding the number of days racing and measurement of the boats, due to the possibility of the lack of winds.
The French presented their bid to host the EC in La Trinite in French, either during June or September.

The ISA Committee decided then to allocate the following events in the future EC 2010 – France (September) , EC 2011 – Austria(September), EC 2012 – Netherlands(May) & WC 2011 – Germany(End of May)

To report on current builders and number of ISAF plaques sold in last 12 months.
The current builders are: Bootswerft Mader, Abbott Boats, BB Sailing.
The Actual plaque fee : £362.38 and 6 plaques were sold during 2007, and 2 more Plaques will be Sold in 2008 and last boat number issued is 2546. (Note; 2547 is ready for layout and could be used at the South American championship & 2548 are under construction in Argentina.)
The committee is happy to see new boats being built, and will sit with Anders to discuss how is possible to improve the situation.

i. To decide venues:
AGM will be held in Toronto during the World championship
i. To decide date and venue
ACM will be held at the end of the EC during the weekend.

i) To discuss next VYG venue, Soling Class preference.
2012 – Cannes(FRA), Balaton(HUN), CUOMO(ITA)
Vote took place and 8 votes to Cuomo, 2 votes to Cannes and 1 vote to Balaton. The decision was to vote at the VYG organization for Cuomo.
ii) Jean Pierre will eventually step out and is proposing Laszlo Hegymegi to step in afterwards.
iii) It was included in the meetings J. V. Gieson’s email regarding the article wrote by M. Collins on behalf of the new boats and other boat parts after the Zipfer cup. Johan Offermans will be answering the email, explaining the nature of the project, the project situation, the class situation, and Matias role, and that the committee thanks any effort to write any article promoting the new boats & parts available and that J.V. Gieson is free to make comments in these articles.
iv) Johan Kalhs asked to change the Class Rules to change and at least have a index in it, the committee answered that this issue is being checked.
v) Agreement form will be change and Roman Koch will propose changes in it.
vi) Antonio T. will sit with Jean Pierre to check possibilities to reduce the measurement days or different way of checking the boats.
vii) It was brought forward the Kite Surfing Association letter of support, the decision of the committee was to support the one by signing the letter they have sent.

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AGM - 04/08/2007
The 39th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Arendal Maritime Hotel, Vestregate 11, Norway August 4, 2007 at 9:00 am. The 39th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Arendal Maritime Hotel, Vestregate 11, Norway August 4, 2007 at 9:00 am.
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The 39th Annual General Meeting of the International Soling Association will be held at the Arendal Maritime Hotel, Vestregate 11, Norway August 4, 2007 at 9:00 am.

Complete download pdf here

To take a roll call represented in person or by proxy.
Committee Members present at the meeting:
Pablo Noceti(ARG), Alex Holl(GER), Roman Koch(GER), Derek Priestley(GBR), Jan Kierkedam(NOR), Charlie Kamps(USA), Johann Kahls(AUT), Anders Borresen(DEN)

Charlie holds a proxy from Rose Hoeksema (USA)
Roman holds a proxy from Maxl Koch (GER)
Pablo holds a proxy from Miguel Lacour (ARG)
Pontus Berglund (SWE) holds a proxy from Stig V. Huth(SWE).

2. 38TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (October 2006, Annapolis)
To approve the minutes (previously circulated).
The minutes were approved unanimously.

To receive the following nominations from the nominating Committee for the election of Committee members for three year terms of office commencing 1st January 2008:

Johan Offermans (NED) commencing third term of office
Tina Mikland (NOR) commencing second term of office
George Wossala (HUN) commencing first term of office

(N. B. In accordance with the Constitution the election of Officers, the Executive Committee, Chairmen of sub-Committees, etc will be made during the Committee meeting. See attached Committee meeting agenda for further details).

Charlie moved to approve the suggestion, Roman Koch seconded, and all committee members approved.

To receive a provisory financial statement for the year ending on 30th September 2007 (See Appendix No 1).
Matias explained that the accounts were not final, that debtors were not really debtors, observations were made over the low early income on membership, matias explained that most countries paid only at the end of the financial year. Also it was noted the increase on the sail labels.

To decide the date and venue.

Suggestions being made to keep following a major event either before or after the event, but Charlie said the one would go against the constitution.
Anders explained that actual procedure would allow the class to receive young blood.
Pablo also explained that this would help that people coming from far since a big trip for just a weekend meeting is not possible for most but if involves sailing after all the trip is planned in advance with also other purpose and for a bigger period.
Roman, Anders and Alex, they all feldt that the meetings were according the constitution, but Charlie explained that the one need an update in 9.2 in order to allow the meetings to go one after/before major events.
Derek put a motion and seconded by Anders to change the constitution, taking out the limitation regarding the meetings and the events.


Roman put a motion to adjourn the meetings, seconded by Jan Kirkedam.

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NA Champs
Soling book

Soling book
