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Opening ceremony picture
Trasmetto, come da accordi con Giovannelli, due foto della cerimonia di apertura del Mondiale Soling 2005 al Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia
Castiglione della Pescaia
CVCP - 22/05/2005
SVK 1 Mosny, Antal, Mosny rounding the mark ahead USA 807 Collins, Antal, Heinonen
2005 Mercedes Grand Prix & Soling Masters
Zsolt Szamody - 13/05/2005
Team Video Express and AGHICO HUN 1 with Gyenese, Gyula, Vezer who won the first race of the Mercedes Open Grand Prix
2005 Mercedes Grand Prix & Masters
Zsolt Szamody - 13/05/2005
Traffic rounding the leeward mark at the first race in the Mercedes Grand Prix & Masters championship
2005 Mercedes Grand Prix & Masters
Zsolt Szamody - 13/05/2005
Local sailors fighting hard for the lead, Team T**Mobile HUN77 with Wossala, Nemeth, Kovasci and Team Video Express & AGHICO HUN1 with Gyenese, Gyula, Vezer
2005 Mercedes Grand Prix & Masters
Zsolt Szamody - 13/05/2005
Team T**Mobile HUN77 with Wossala, Nemeth, Kovasci reaching in the first race.
2005 Mercedes Grand Prix & Masters
Zsolt Szamody - 13/05/2005
Press and midia at the official 2005 Soling World Championship presentation.
2005 World Championship Castiglione della Pescaia
CVCP - 05/04/2005
Official 2005 Worlds Presentation.
2005 World Championship Castiglione della Pescaia
CVCP - 05/04/2005
Soling Fleet at Spa Regatta
2005 European Championship
SPA Regatta - 26/05/2005
Soling fleet at SPA
2005 European Championship
SPA Regatta - 26/05/2000
Boat mooring last Italian Championship in Castiglione della Pescaia.
2005 Soling World Championship
CVCP - 20/05/2004
Soling Italian Championship, the sea breeze blowing in a typical sunny day in Castiglione della Pescaia
2005 Soling World Championship
CVCP - 20/05/2004
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