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NA Champs

SA Champs

Zipfer Trophy

Frienship Cup - League - Madrid


2024 Annual Meetings minutes published

Dear ISA Members the 2024 Annual Meeting minutes were published including the revised accounts.
2024 AGCM Minutes to download


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Frequent Answers, Questions & Articles
If Translations are available click over the flagTranslations ? .. click over the flag

How do I register for a regatta based on the ISA system
This procedure is valid to any of the following current events World Championship, European Championship, Masters, South American Championship, North American Championship. The only condition to register into an ISA event is that all sailors shall be registered online, if they are in debt with their NSA anyway their membership will then  ...      Posted on 23/02/2006 by Matias Collins, read by 5570 Comments 0    
How do I register for a regatta based on the ISA system
This procedure is valid to any of the following current events World Championship, European Championship, Masters, South American Championship, North American Champion...
      Posted on 23/02/2006 by Matias Collins, read by 5570 Comments 0    
How do I register for a regatta based on the ISA system
This procedure is valid to any of the following current events World Championship, European Championship, Masters, South American Championship, North American Championship. The only condition to register into an ISA event is that all sailors shall be registered online, if they are in debt with their NSA anyway their membership will then  ...
     Posted on 23/02/2006 by Matias Collins, read by 5570 Comments 0    

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NA Champs
Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid

Soling book
