Strong winds at the third racing day
written by Matias Collins on June 29 of 2024 and read by 556
When you are smaller than the wave
@Christian Ruscetta / KNS
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Hanko presented a great racing day, even when sun was not in the list, it came out together with the wind, and rolling swell. Two races were held, a few boats could not finish, others decided to not compete. After the day ended a discard started to count in the overall results, shaking the one.
At the first race team Equilibrium BRA 78 sailed by class president Nelson Ilha, Manfredo Floricke and Leonardo Maryhofer took the bullet, they were followed by Process Solutions team HUN 11 with Farkas Litkey, Karoly Vezer and Kristoff Wossala in third came the Olympian Anders Ostre Pedersen at the Finn class sailing NOR 156 with Alexander Ringstad and Kjell Inge Heiberg.
The second race, held suspension until after three ours finished the event, Race Committee had to go through the footage to finally reach a conclusion on which boat finished first as it was a tight end of the race, determining HUN 11 aas winner, followed by team PRO Aluminium BRA 73 sailed by Kadu Bergenthal, Vilneio Goldmeier and Edgar Oppitz.
The afternoon at the club was mainly maintenance at the boats, with no social scheduled, people just relaxed and went to rest.
Races on Saturday were cancelled due to strong winds 30+ knots and 3-5 meter swell. But around 1900hs at the Hanko Hotel the Gala dinner will be served.
Tomorrow Sunday two races were scheduled and prize giving to be set around 1700hs
Races can be followed live at:
Complete Results
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The leeward view
@Christian Ruscetta / KNS
The upwind jumps
@Christian Ruscetta / KNS
Crowded rounding mark
@Christian Ruscetta / KNS
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