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It didn't let us down!!! Hartmann, Quevedo and Renard Brazilian Champions

written by Matias Collins  on  March 5  of  2024 and read by 313

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BRA 86 Hartmann, Quevedo, Renard the champions
@Vinicius Dornelles

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Once more the well-known team, BRA 86 from the yacht club Veleiros do Sul the organizer of the 54th edition of the Brazilian Championship was crowned after three day racing excellent participation, different wind conditions and a tight battle against BRA 78, BRA 73 and BRA 15.
Cicero, Flavio and Andre became for the third time the Brazilian champions sailing their Don't let me down. On BRA 78 (Nelson Ilha, Manfredo Floricke and Leonardo Mayhofer) had a difficult start at the first day on the first race with strong winds 18 to 25 knots after a Chinese jibe rounding the gate to the finish and then having a collision with BRA 128 (Dennis Koch, Felipe Fraquelli and Mateus Koch) which led them to finish 8th allowing the champions BRA 86 finish second just behind BRA 88 (Andre Warlich, Carlos Trein and Roger Lamb), in third came the World Champions team ICO BRA 73 (Kadu Bergenthal, Vilnei Goldmeier and Edgar Opptiz).
The second race of this Friday March 1st with strong winds saw the champions BRA 86 lead the race followed by team ICO BRA 73 and the vintage boat BRA 15 (Carlo de Leo, Thiago Knippling and Gustavo Bohrer) , during Friday the excellent pictures available are from Gustavo Pereira.
On Saturday the morning started with AP at the mast, nice and sunny but no wind, at the afternoon a breeze of 8 knots reached the race course, boats went racing to finish the only race of the day in 5 knots of wind. This race team Equilibrium BRA 78 took the control to win the one followed by team ICO BRA 73 and the champions BRA 86.
Sunday the wind came back into the strong mode three races were held under the 18 to 20 knots with fantastic weather, at the first race the champions BRA 86 won followed by team Equilibrium BRA 78 and team ICO BRA 73. At the second race again Cicero did magic and another bullet for the champions BRA 86 followed again by team Equilibrium BRA 78 and BRA 15, this placed BRA 78 again in battle for the podium but granted the victory to BRA 86 who didn't have to race the last race of the event.
The last one of the day showed team Equilibrium BRA 78 take the bullet in the last race ahead BRA 88 and then team ICO BRA 73.
The Brazilian sailors are now on their way to start producing the Solings in Porto Alegre, with the objective to have enough boats for rental during the 2025 World Championship and meanwhile some of the teams planning their trips to the major events of the class such as North Americans, Europeans and Worlds.

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The upwind <br />@Vinicius Dornelles

The upwind
@Vinicius Dornelles

the International fleet at the event<br />Vinicius Dornelles

the International fleet at the event
Vinicius Dornelles

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