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2024 Soling Friendship League, February 23 – 25 Porto Alegre

written by Peter Hall  on  March 1  of  2024 and read by 193

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Great afternoon racing
@ Gustavo Pereira / VDS

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This is the most fun I have had Soling racing for some time.
Fantastic, exciting easy event. PRO Odecio Adam, a WS IRO, did a miraculous job at completing two round robins of 8 races each, repetage for two additional teams to join six already qualified teams for two final races Gold fleet, and one final race Silver Fleet. Courses were roughly 500 meters long, 2 loops, going towards the Club. Everyone had a great time racing 10 races in 10 – 20 knots wind velocity, up to 40-degree shifts, in sunny 30- 32 Celsius! Thanks again Odecio.
Nelson, our President, deserves huge thanks for organizing and promoting this league event – 14 teams, from 5 nations, 8 boats equalized, lots of volunteers, spectator boats, dinners, and music at Veleiros do Sul Yacht club. The soling teams thank Nelson and his volunteer team.
Attached please find the results from day 3 and a list of the teams. On Saturday, February 24, Matias wrote a good article on the website explaining how the event and the format works. Thanks Matias
Outstanding Perfect Sailing Conditions!!
Did I mention that all you need to compete is a carry-on bag, life jacket and sun screen! And the ability and desire to adapt quickly to 8 different soling's – each team rotating through 6 boats. All teams are equally disadvantaged! Leave your sails at home.
Happy crews are key to this event! I was fortunate to have two Brazilian crew with varying degrees of soling experience and English language skills – but great at adapting to each boat, putting on the hiking vests fast, finding some of the ropes, and improvising during the races. Thanks Fernando and Marcelo – finishing second in two round robins was better than expected.
Congratulations to Kadu and team for winning – winning is becoming their habit!
Congratulations to all the teams, and especially Gernot Heller, and Henry Thomas plus crews for returning a second year! And congrats to François Gombeaud for making the trek all the way to Brazil.
Soling sailors, plan on going to Porto Alegre for the next Friendship cup in February 2025 and to the Soling World Championships, also there, in late November 2025. I must not forget to mention how affordable the beer and the food is at the club, and many competitors stayed at the Club in air-conditioned rooms too. AMAZING!
Thanks everyone for Happy Sailing Days at the Friendship Cup (great name) and see you next year.
Peter Hall, CAN 225

Qualifiers Q1 & Q@

Silver Medal

Gold Medal

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