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ARG 2 Warburg, Celedoni and Clavero Argentine champions

written by Matias Collins  on  December 16  of  2023 and read by 502

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Great action shot from ARG 28 Vodanovich, Morgan and Bande
@ Jorge Cousillas

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Sunday with three races scheduled was abandoned early under heavy rain and lightning, for moments with really strong winds, that overnight collapsed the province of Buenos Aires causing an incredible damage, at a neighbor yacht club, the wind just capsized four 33 feet racing boats, the Solings at their trailers had no issues.

Some seconds after the cancellation of the day, quickly the class set the Barbecue fire, which entertained the sailors, even after under the rain they stored back the Solings into the trailers.

Gustavo Warburg, Hernan Celedoni and Jeronimo Clavero (18) became champions at the bar while the storm didn't give a chance.

They were followed by ARG 37 Matias Pereira, Estanislao Chometowski and Tomas Fioriti and to complete the podium USA 853 with Marias Collins, Joaquin Jordana(18) and Gustavo Iconomopulos.

The Argentinian class officially elected Warburg as its new president to be helped by Javier Padilla crew from ARG 34.
The Argentine Championship timing looks like a good idea, always with enough participation, and it is planning to continue for mid-December 2024. In addition, the class will select a few weekends for racing, avoiding overlapping with other classes that potentially drain crew possibilities.

Complete Results

Saturday and Friday - Argentine championship underway

Despite a weather warning over the past days and continuing tomorrow, the Argentine championship has consolidated the schedule over the year, close to Christmas, all sailors still around, most schools are over, and no other big events to drain crew members, the fleet finally gather together, still with some boats merging crews which leaves a few boats in land, but it looks promising with Gustavo Warburg as leader of the class again.

On Friday a late start at 1500hs, with light winds from the Northeast rotating to East under the clouds, only 6 boats managed to leave the harbor and race, ARG 2 with Warburg, Celedoni and Clavero (420 sailor), won the first race and finish third in the second, they were followed by ARG 34 with Cappagli, Padilla and Ravazzi with a 4th and a first, and in third ARG 37 with Matias Pereira, Estanislao Chometowski and Tomas Fioriti with a second and fourth.

On Saturday the championship was already validated with three more races with winds from the Northeast, the Race Officer Mr. Gastelu was precise setting up the course, and changes, since wind had some shifts of 10 to 20 degrees. Wind also went from 8 to 13 knots .

Today ARG 37 started strong winning the first race, then after a bad start finish fourth and in the third managing to keep the second place, this was enough to place them second overall with 13 points, one behind ARG 32 who had a second a fifth and then a bullet on the last day. The a good average was to USA 853 with Collins, Jordana (420 sailor) and Iconomopulos finishing with a third, a second and a third leaving them third overall before the last day with 15 points.

For tomorrow Sunday the forecast looks pretty bad, with lighting, rain and strong winds, in the morning two protest (race 4th and 5th ) in between ARG 37 and ARG 39 sailed by Peisajovich, Longarela and Longarela.

Three young kids were recruited at this event, with the objective to start growing the crew possibilities in the class, Catu Cherro (16), Joquin Jordana(18) and Jeronimo Clavero(18).

Thanks to Jorge Cousillas, some images from the racing this Saturday are available

Complete Results

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Start from the pin end<br />@Jorge Cousillas

Start from the pin end
@Jorge Cousillas

Aerial view from the start<br />@Jorge Cousillas

Aerial view from the start
@Jorge Cousillas

Gray day, hot but wet<br />@Jorge Cousillas

Gray day, hot but wet
@Jorge Cousillas

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