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GBR 161 Loudon, Kimber and Dean takes the British Nationals

written by Hamish Loudon  on  September 13  of  2023 and read by 511

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GBR 161 the champion ahead on the first day of racing

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The event hosted the past weekend by by Lochaber Yacht Club and sailed on Loch Linnhe at Fort William Scotland had entries from France, Ireland, England in addition to the local Scottish fleet.

The opening day brought a steady SW breeze of 18 knots and sunshine giving close racing although the crafty local ancient mariner and tide expert managed

win all five races. The race officer kept to the windward/leeward course format in order to complete the series in view of the very light wind forecast for the next day.

All the sailors retired to the clubhouse for an excellent supper and analysis of the days racing

Sunday produced a bit more than the forecast light winds with 8knots from the SW. This allowed the Irish family crew, Irl2 to play their trump card and take the winning gun.

But it was local sailor Keith Falconer, GBR 157 who finally found his fast trim and secured first in the final two races. However, GBR161 did enough to retain the overall lead and the championship

Later that evening many of the sailors checked the local ale and further analysed the eight races.

Complete Results

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Fabulous surroundings at the race course

Fabulous surroundings at the race course

The fleet gathering after races

The fleet gathering after races

The winner at the downwind

The winner at the downwind

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