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Warlich, Trein and Lamb winners at the Friendship League Championship

written by Matias Collins  on  February 27  of  2023 and read by 487

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The downwid after the strom
@Felipe Secco Richter

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The team a mix in between Jangadeiros Yacht Club and Veleiros do Sul, but with two class veterans Carlos Trein and Roger Lamb, Andre Warlich managed a great qualifying series which later defined the at the final results to break the tie at the two Golden races (which starts with 0 points again all boats).
They won the tie over the class president Nelson Ilha sailing with Manfredo Floricke and his son Gustavo Ilha.
At the Golden races the German team from the Bayerische Yach Club sailed with former class president Michael Dietzel, and his children Anna Dietzel and Anton Dietzel, this team didn't had a great qualifying series but it was enough to get the nose in the middle qualifying race and then with a great race to finish second and jump into the Golden fleet where regularity put them in the podium. Something similar happened to the other German team KWINDOO leaded by Roman Koch and the brothers Simon and Jakob Zeh, but their finishes at the Golden race was a third and a bad race with a 7th.
The Silver fleet was won by local team Kadu Bergenthal, Eduardo Cavalli and Edgardo Optiz current South American Champions, they couldn't stick the nose in the Golden finals after finishing 4th in the middle qualifying race.

It was anyway a difficult day with strong wind changes, two times it rounded 360 degrees, the sun only came after midday, and the wind was a little stable only for the Golden races, the middle qualifying race it was bad.

Visitor teams anyway besides the sailing in many different Solings all with different layouts had the chance to survive Brazilian Carnaval, with samba and drinks almost every night. The Argentine fleet absence was noted, only one Argentine crew (Alex Hasenclever) traveled to provide crew efforts for the travelers.

Next event with similar format will be held in June over the swamp in Madrid, already with international entries, check more at their website:

Gold fleet - Results
Gold Results

Silver fleet - Results
Silver Results

Mid Qualifier - Results
MQ Results

Qualifying series - Results
QF Results

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Tuff start in light winds<br />@ Felipe Secco Richter

Tuff start in light winds
@ Felipe Secco Richter

the race after the storm on Saturday<br />@ Felipe Secco Richter

the race after the storm on Saturday
@ Felipe Secco Richter

The winners  Carlos Trein, Andre Warlich and Roger Lamb

The winners Carlos Trein, Andre Warlich and Roger Lamb

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