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Letter from the President

written by Michael Dietzel  on  December 28  of  2022 and read by 443

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GER 11 Michael Dietzel, Vera Geck and Anton Dietzel at the EC Attarsee
@Gert Schmidleitner /SCK

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The Soling Class Association wishes you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

In 2022, we have set ourselves the primary goal of further developing the class.

What is most important. We found a new Soling builder this year. The first boat has already been delivered and the next one will follow in early 2023.
Our membership has increased. Many thanks to all of you who support us with your membership.

In 2022 we were exempt from the rules of the Covid crisis in many regions.
As a result we were able to travel again.

I started the international season in San Diego USA with Martin Zeileis.
What a beautiful place to sail. I can also imagine a league concept here very well.

In 2023 this concept will start again with the Friendship Cup in Porto Alegre Brazil.
Speaking of Brazil. After many years as your President of the Soling Class Association, Nelson Ilha will serve as the first President beginning in 2023.

Thank you for your trust and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

In May we started our first major event with the World Championships at Chiemsee in Germany.
Unfortunately, the wind conditions were not as hoped. We couldn't sail any regattas and had to go home without a single race.
We are hoping for a new start in Milwaukee next year for the 2023 World Championship.

In September, on the occasion of the revival regattas "50 Years of the Olympic Games" in Kiel
unfortunately did not have a sufficient number of starters.
But the European Championships at Lake Attersee in Austria was an excellent event.

The European Championships are scheduled for next 2023 in Warnemünde.
Jochen Schuemann, one of the most successful sailors in the world, won the European Championship here in 1986.
I hope to get a confirmation from him for this appointment after a personal conversation with Jochen.

I have already booked this appointment. I hope for a strong participation also from the Scandinavian countries.
It has been a long time since a European championship was so close to these countries.

There are many forward-looking projects that we will tackle together in the coming months and years. Let's begin, true to Alan Kay's quote:
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

In my words:
"The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself".

Matias designed and moderated our website again in 2022 and made it possible to provide information quickly, more comprehensively and directly. Many thanks to Matias.

With this in mind, I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas holiday and a good start to the 2023 sailing season.

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