Thinking to travel and wants to bring your own sails?

written by Matias Collins  on  September 7  of  2005 and read by 2208

This article are specially wrote to those who attend other events outside their areas and oftenly find themselves with a crazy question to solve, how to bring the sails? Shall I folder or rol the one? Is the plane capable to heve the rol? etc.

After years travelling and mostly renting boats while doing this, I had to learn on how to deal with these, here are a few tips that will help, but sometimes, the tips are not enough and money in the pocket and willing to be spent in this matter is the best way.

Although many says a few wrinkles in the sail after a complete fold is done and packed in a bag I think for life time purposes the sail should not be folded like it should be left flapping with the wind without purpose.

The best will be always to bring a rol but sometimes either for confort traveling or because of the airlines safty and lugagge requirements this is not possible without spending some money.

As an advise: ALL Airlines deals with extreme sports equipment like surfboards / bikes, etc. A sail rol, in some way LOOKSLIKE a surfboard or at least windsurf equipment. (It costs 100 U$ in Lufthansa, but nothing on Iberia with some smile and arriving earlier at the airport.)

Golf clubs have no price, and you can almost reach same size without foldering too much.

First Folder the main as indicated below:

you may have now two options, Roll together the sails or separate. We will describe separate process. But fill free to place the jib over the main before rolling and roll all together.
Place the Jib over the Main from luff to leech.

Tri Fold / Rol the main
'1 'finilize </center>

Bi Fold / Rol the jib
'1 'finilize
Special thanks to North Sails One Design
Article written by Matias Collins
