Championship rules

written by Matias Collins  on  March 22  of  2004 and read by 13663

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A World Championship shall be held each year unless for good cause the ISA Committee shall decide otherwise. The Masters event is a World Championship.

The rules for a Continental championship are the same as the rules for the World Championship, with the following addition: Entries for a European Championship or South American Championship or North American Championship shall be open to all Countries.
The term Host Club shall mean a Yacht Club or other organisation affiliated to and recognised by its National Authority. It may also mean any organisation, or association of two or more yacht clubs which may have been designated by the National Soling Association (or NA) of the Host Country as the body responsible for the Championship.
At the Continental Championships only 4 days of racing instead 5 used at the World Championship and a minimum of 4 races to constitute a valid series instead 5 used at the WC.

- The World Championship Trophy
- Paul Elvstrom Trophy - donated by La Cercle de Voile de Paris and awarded to the bestplaced helmsperson aged 35 years or under on the first scheduled day of racing and the aggregate ages of the crew of three must be 120 or under..
- Tony Clare Trophy - donated by Tony Clare (ISA President from 1999 - 2002) and awarded to the highest placed woman and her team.
- Geert Bakker Trophy - donated by Geert Bakker (ISA President from 1976 - 1979) and awarded to a sailor from the host nation (nominated by the host nation - see end of Championship Rules for Terms of Reference).
- KC1 Classic Trophy - donated by the ISA and awarded to the highest placed boat built before January 1st of 1980.
- Jose Lucio Glomb Trophy - donated by Jose Lucio Glomb(BRA) and awarded to the highest placed South American boat.
- Grand Master Bowl - donated by Stuart Walker(USA) and awarded to the best placed grand Masters. (Helmsperson age 65or higher and the aggregate ages of the crew 150 see Deed of gift below)

- The European Championship Perpetual Trophy - donated by the Royal Danish Yacht Club 'with the intention of bringing together as many competitors of various nationalities as possible for yacht racing in a friendly spirit'.
- The European Champion - donated by the The Royal Yacht Club of Sweden for the best placed team at the European Championship.
- The Best European Team - donated by the ISA for the best European team placed at the European Championship, all members must be European Citizens.
- The British Soling Association Trophy - donated by the British Soling Association and awarded to the best-placed helmsman aged 35 years or under on the first scheduled day of racing and the aggregate ages of the crew of three must be 120 or under.
- Rien Segaar Trophy - donated by the Segaar Family (NED) with the intention to award those in the middle fleet who makes the best effort to improve their country scores. Awarded to the last of the best, the third team of a country which the aggregate final scores of the three best are lower than the other countries see Deed of gift below at this championship rules:
- Reloaded Trophy - donated by the ASF (Norway) with the intention to bring as many women into the Soling competition - awarded to the best-placed woman in the event.
- Vincent Manach' Trophy - donated by Vincent Manach (French sailor), and awarded to a sailor from the host nation (nominated by the host nation - see end of Championship Rules for Terms of Reference).

- The Masters World Championship Trophy - donated by the ISA and awarded to the best-placed masters' team.

1.1 The above listed Perpetual Trophies are the property of the ISA who upon its satisfaction that the event has been completed in accordance with the following rules will award them accordingly.
1.2 For the World Championship only, the helmsperson and crew members of the winning yacht shall receive replicas of the trophy, which shall be provided by the ISA.
1.3 In addition the Host Club shall present prizes to the helmsperson and crew members of the first five boats in the Championship and to the helmsperson and crew members of the first boat in each individual race.
1.4 In case of non-completion of the Championship the prizes referred to in Rule
1.2 shall not be presented. The prizes referred to in Rule 1.3 may, however, be presented at the discretion of the Host Club.

2.1 The Trophies shall be the full responsibility of the holder.
2.2 The winners shall engrave the names of the winning yacht sail number, the helmsperson and the crew members on the Trophies.
2.3 The winners shall be responsible for delivering the Trophies to the next
Championship venue so that it may be awarded to the new winner.
2.4 If the Championship is not completed, the Trophies shall be retained by the

3.1 Applications for holding the following Championship must be received by the
ISA not later than four months before the start of the Championship for the current year.
3.11 The course area used for the Championship shall not be used at the same time fo any other event, nor shall the Host Club organise any non-Soling event concurrently with the Championship without the special permission of the ISA Committee.
3.2 Before awarding the site of the Championship the ISA shall:
3.21 Ensure that the Host Club has a copy of the current ISA Class Rules, ISA Standard Notice of Race, ISA Standard Sailing Instructions and ISA Championship Rules.
3.22 Require the Host Club to state in writing that it will comply with the provisions therein by signing the ISA Championship Agreement Form.
3.23 Ascertain that the Host Club has suitable shore and water facilities at the proposed location of the Championship, including:
3.231 two hoists, dry storage, rigging, measuring and parking areas for cars and trailers;
3.232 adjacent docking or mooring for the expected number of boats;
3.233 clubhouse and attendant facilities;
3.234 sufficient and suitable boats to perform all race functions including Committee boats, mark boats, patrol, towing, rescue and spectator boats;
3.235 Sufficient open water to lay a two mile circle within which the regatta shall be conducted no point on which is closer than one mile to any substantial body of land, unless special permission is given on behalf of the ISA Committee.
3.24 Ascertain that the Host Club has the written approval of ISAF, the NSA and NA of its country to apply for the Championship, and to hold it at the intended location and scheduled time.
3.25 Approve the dates proposed by the Host Club.
3.3 The ISA shall advise the Host Club of the name of the person who will serve as Liaison Officer between the Host Club and the ISA in all matters relating to the organisation of the Championship (see Rule 11).

4.1 Eligibility is confined to the owner of a certificated Soling or his nominated representative who shall for the purposes of the event take over all the owner's responsibility, and who has satisfied all measurement and registration requirements as specified in the Notice of the Race and Sailing Instructions including the submission (at the completion of measurement) of properly completed measurement work sheets.
4.2 ISA Membership is obligatory for all crew members. The ISA membership fee is €25.00 per year. Membership fees will be collected from any crew member failing to present proof of previously paid membership fee. An additional €45.00 will be obtained from the helmsperson or representative of any yacht not displaying the ISA-sticker (Boat registration fee) of the current year at the appropriate position.
4.3 The Masters World Championship is open to all yachts of the International
Soling Class of which:
a) the helm must be aged at least 50 years on the first scheduled day of racing;
b) the aggregate ages of the crew of three must be at least 120 years on that day.
4.4 The nation being represented by the team will be the helmsperson nationality and will remain during the regatta or series the same independently of any helmsperson replacement.

5.1 The Host Club not later than six months before the first race shall submit a draft of the Notice of Race to the ISA Secretariat for its approval. It shall be based on the ISA standard NOR and include:
5.11 A statement as to the location and all-inclusive dates of the Championship.
5.12 A brief description of the city or area and marine and weather conditions to be anticipated; storage, launching, and mooring facilities; types, approximate prices, and proximity of accommodation available.
5.13 Schedule of events, listing:
5.131 The date when hoisting without additional charge for training purposes will become available.
5.132 The dates for measurement and the latest date by which all yachts shall be available for measurement.
5.133 The time on the last scheduled day after which no race may be started.
5.134 Details of any social activities prior to or during the Championships.
5.14 A statement specifying that the regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the National Authority when they apply, and the Soling Class Championship Rules (see RRS Rule 87.2 and Appendix J 'Notice of Race').
5.15 The last date for receiving final completed entry forms in accordance with Championship Rule 6.4. (The Host Club may set its own deadline, but it shall not be more than 21 days before the first race).
5.16 A notice advising competitors that they compete at their own risk and responsibility, and that every yacht must be in possession of a valid third party liability insurance cover of not less than the amount specified by the Host Club to be effective for the duration of the regatta. (ISA recommends that the required insurance coverage be not less than €140,000.00 - One hundred thousand and forty euros -)
5.2 When the Notice of Race has been approved by the ISA, it shall be posted on the official ISA championship website.

6.1 The entry fee per boat shall be at the discretion of the Host Club, a maximum permitted by the ISA is 650 Euros for a 5 racing day event and shall include the additional championship fee of €75 that each competitor is required to pay the ISA through the event OA. (Note: The recommendation would be 500-550 Euros entry fee including the championship fee and events with less racing days the amount should decrease proportionally)
6.2 The entry fee shall include the cost of unlimited craning in and craning out of each competing boat during a specified period before, during, and upon the completion of the regatta.
6.3 Host Clubs may not charge any fee in addition to the Entry Fee unless decided otherwise by the ISA Committee.
6.4 No late entry fee may be charged but early payment discounts are encouraged.
6.5 Teams eligible for the young helm prize where the aggregate ages of the crew of three does not exceed 100 years on the first day of racing are entitle to a 50% discount in the Entry Fee and Championship Fee for the event.

7.1 Not later than 6 months before the first race in the series the ISA shall provide the Host Club with the Measurement Procedure, which is to be followed.
However the Host Club may not later than 4 months before the first race of the series submit to the ISA for approval any amendments, which it may consider advisable. Not later than three months before the first race the Host Club shall submit the name of the proposed Chief Measurer to the ISA, which reserves the right of veto. Should no subsequent proposal of the Host Club be acceptable to the ISA then the ISA not later than two months before the first race of the series shall appoint the Chief Measurer.
7.2 The Chief Measurer shall, in consultation with the ISA Liaison Officer, have the final decision concerning interpretations of the Class Rules, and the acceptability of a yacht. Only ISA approved Measurement Forms shall be used.
7.3 During measuring only the crew of the yacht being measured, and the measurers, are permitted to be present.
7.4 After the sails are measured and stamped they may not be altered during the series. Repairs shall only be undertaken with written permission of the Jury.
If a sail requires major repair the Jury may order the sail to be re-measured.
Only sails that have been measured (or re-measured) and stamped may be used during the Championship. In the event of accidental damage, which, in the opinion of the Jury cannot be suitably repaired, the Jury may authorize a spare sail to be measured, stamped, and used for the remaining races of the Championship. The damaged sail shall then be deposited with the Race Committee for the duration of the Championship.
7.5 With reference to RRS G1.1 national letters and distinguishing numbers shall be placed on spinnakers.
7.6 The ISA Sticker for the current year shall be affixed to the outside of the hull on the starboard quarter not more than 1000mm forward of the transom and not more than 200mm below the deck.
7.7 A calibrated weight of 1000 kilograms shall be available.
7.8 Measurement shall be carried out to conform to the class measurement instructions.
7.9 Prior to the first race the measurer shall provide, transmit to the Race Committee and the International Jury, and publish, a list of yachts which have satisfactorily met the requirements of the Notice of Race and the Championship Rules and are eligible to race.

8.1 All races shall be conducted under the Racing Rules of Sailing and the Sailing Instructions for the event which shall be based on the ISA Standard Sailing Instructions and which shall not be varied without good reason relating to some particular local conditions and with the agreement of the ISA Liaison Officer.
8.2 Three months prior to the first race the Host Club shall submit a copy of the Sailing Instructions, complete in all details and in English, to the ISA for approval.

9.1 An International Jury shall be appointed for World and Continental Championships and the terms of reference stated at RRS appendix N shall apply.
9.2 In accordance with RRS 89.1, the Organising Authority is the International Soling Association in conjunction with the Host Club (as must be announced in the Notice of Race). In accordance with RRS 89 and 90 the Race Committee (which shall be appointed by the Organising Authority) shall publish a Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions (and be governed by them)... and conduct the race(s).... Subject to such direction as the Organising Authority may exercise. In accordance with RRS 91, the Protest Committee responsible for the receiving, hearing and deciding of protests and other matters arising under the RRS shall be an International Jury.
In accordance with RRS N 2.2, the Organising Authority directs the International Jury not to decide questions of eligibility or measurement unless a hearing is requested.
During the pre-race period the International Jury shall receive, endorse, and publish the decisions of the Organising Authority and the Chief Measurer in regard to such questions.
In connection with RRS Appendix N 2.3, the Organising Authority directs the International Jury not to supervise or direct the Race Committee in the conduct of the race(s), but does authorise it, with the agreement of the ISA Liaison Officer, to initiate or authorise changes in, or additions to, the Sailing Instructions.
9.3 Not later than six months before the first race of the Championship, the Host Club shall submit to the ISA Secretary the names of the proposed President and the other members of the Jury. The ISA reserves the right to veto the proposal in whole or in part. Should no subsequent proposal of the Host Club be acceptable to the ISA, then the ISA not later than two months before the first race of the Championship, shall appoint the President and the other members of the Jury.
9.4 No member of the Jury shall take part in the event as a competitor or perform any other organisational or administrative function in connection with the Championship.
9.5 It is anticipated that the Host Club will reimburse the travelling expenses of, and provide accommodation for, the Jury Members and the Chief Measurer.
9.6 The Chairman of the Jury nationality cannot be the same as the event organizer.

10.1 Race results (to include crew names) shall be mailed to the WS and the ISA within 24 hours of the completion of the event.
10.2 The ISA championship website shall be the official event website.
10.3 Not later than one month after the event the Host Club shall forward a Race Report, including any Jury decisions, the Chief Measurer's Report to the Jury, the results and any other information of interest, to the ISA.

The ISA Committee shall appoint a Liaison Officer for the event. Wherever possible the Liaison Officer shall be consulted in regard to all changes in and interpretations of the Sailing Instructions. As the representative of the Organising Authority he/she may direct the Race Committee to adhere to his/her interpretation of the Sailing Instructions. His/her name will be posted on the Regatta Notice Board.

Only the ISA Championship Committee shall make alterations to these rules. In case of dispute on any matter concerning these rules, the decision of the ISA Championship Committee, or its duly authorised Liaison Officer, shall be final. All changes in the Sailing Instructions shall be approved by and, prior to posting on the Official Notice Board, signed by the ISA Liaison Officer.

(Applicable To World Championships Only)
The Geert Bakker Trophy was donated by the late Geert Bakker (ISA President from 1976 -
1979) and was first awarded in 1992. The Terms of Reference for the Trophy are as follows:
1. The Host National Authority shall award the Trophy at the World Championship banquet to an active, amateur Soling sailor selected from its membership, who stands out in one of the following categories:
a) A top amateur competitor active at the fleet, national and international level from that nation;
b) Someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the Soling Class at any level from that nation;
c) Someone who has demonstrated outstanding characteristics of sportsmanship from that nation;
2. The Host Nation shall use the Deed of Gift to guide them in their selection process.
3. The ISA Committee reserves the right to designate the Host Nation for the Geert Bakker Trophy in the event that the World Championship is held in a country that has a recent, past, Geert Bakker Trophy Champion.
3. The ISA Secretary will supply the Host Country or the designated alternate with a copy of the Deed of Gift and the ISA guidelines 2 months prior to the event.

(Applicable to European Championship only)
Rien Segaar active Dutch Soling sailor who died on his way to the 2005 World
Championship, the Trophy converted in perpetual one is the first one he won in an international competition.
1. It will be awarded during each Soling European Championship where there are at least
2 countries with 3 or more boats participating, and the championship is valid (according to championship rules).
2. The prize will go to the country that has the best combined overall score of the first 3 boats from that particular country.
5. The PRIZE is awarded to the THIRD boat of the above mentioned country. In the plaque the country and all three sailor's names (of this third boat) should appear. (Intention to award teams in development that have to make their best effort to improve their country score.)
6. If the prize can not be awarded in a specific year it will be returned to the Segaar family
7. Modifications to this deed of gift can only be made by the Segaar family
8. If for this prize any tie has to be broken, this will be done with the normal WS tie breaker system.

(Applicable To World Championships Only)
Donated by Stuart H. Walker M.D.

1. The Grand Master Bowl is a sterling silver bowl originally presented by Henry A Miles to the winner of the combined Q / 8-Meter Class (Handicap Division III) at Larchmont Race Week - 1940. The Bowl was won on that occasion by Robert O. Walker, sailing the Q-boat, 'Venturer' - Q-8, with his son Stuart Walker, then 17, (and others) as crew.
2. This bowl is re-dedicated to use as a perpetual trophy and is to be awarded annually to the Grand Master who is highest placed at the conclusion of the annual International Soling Class World Championship (scored by the means used to determine the Champion).
3. A Grand Master is defined in terms of the crew of a contending Soling as follows:
Helmsman - 65 years of age or older Crew - combined with the helmsman - no less than 150 years
4. The winning helmsman shall have custody of the Bowl until two months prior to the World Championship of the following year. At that time he will return the Bowl to the donor or to his designee (in the box provided). The donor or designee will have the Bowl engraved with the winner’s name and arrange for it to be transported to the venue of the subsequent World Championship for presentation to the subsequent winner.
5. This Deed of Gift can be modified by the donor at any time.

(Applicable To European Championships Only)
The Vincent Manac'h Trophy was donated by French sailor and was first awarded in 2012. The Terms of Reference for the Trophy are as follows:
1. The Host National Authority shall award the Trophy at the European Championship banquet or prize giving to an active, amateur Soling sailor selected from its membership, who stands out in one of the following categories:
a) A top amateur competitor active at the fleet, national and international level from that nation;
b) Someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the Soling Class at any level from that nation;
c) Someone who has demonstrated outstanding characteristics of sportsmanship from that nation;
2. The Host Nation shall use the Deed of Gift to guide them in their selection process.
3. The ISA Committee reserves the right to designate the Host Nation for the Vincent Manac'h Trophy in the event that the European Championship is held in a country that has a recent, past, Vincent Manac'h Trophy Champion.
3. The ISA Secretary will supply the Host Country or the designated alternate with a copy of the Deed of Gift and the ISA guidelines 2 months prior to the event.


Reviewed March 2017
