written by Matias Collins on January 1 of 2001 and read by 5500
A Host Club, when it is accepted by the ISA Committee to host a major Championship, agrees to abide by the Class and Championship Rules of the ISA and agrees to make no modifications of those rules without the specific authority of the ISA Committee as represented by the President, the ISA Championship Committee and/or the Liaison Officer.
Prior to the Championship a Notice of Race, designed in accordance with the ISA's Standard Notice of Race, is developed by the Host Club, evaluated repeatedly by the ISA Championship Committee, and finally approval and published approximately four months before the event. No changes may subsequently be made in the provisions of the Notice of Race (unless a timely Supplemental Notice approved by the ISA is issued). Thereafter, Sailing Instructions, designed in accordance with the ISA's Standard Sailing Instructions, are developed by the Host Club, evaluated repeatedly by the Championship Committee, and finally approved and published in time for the event. No changes may subsequently be made in the provisions of the Sailing Instructions - except with the approval of the Liaison Officer.
The Liaison Officer is responsible for assuring that the Championship is conducted in accordance with the ISA Rules, the approved Notice of Race, and the approved Sailing Instructions. The International Jury and the Organizing Authority should be discouraged from making any changes in these rules and regulations, and none with which the Liaison Officer is not in complete agreement should be permitted. Without his signature no changes may be effected. (See Fleet Racing Championship Rule 8.1.)
Discourage any changes to the previously authorised S.l.'s, but if changes are made, these must he approved by the Liaison Officer and signed by him/her prior to posting on the official Notice Board.
Check schedule and location. Re-schedule, if indicated, by changes in the racing schedule. Optimal times:
- During onshore postponement
- Immediately after 4th, 5th or 6th race (if only one race that clay)
Check to assure that competitors are adequately notified about additions to schedule - Match Racing, Social events, etc.
Check to see that all trophies are present and presentable. Organize information (winners, previous winners (if available), history; etc.) and display for prize giving.
- Geert Bakker Trophy - awarded to nominee from host nation (nominated by' local NSA). Determine winner and ensure his presence at ceremony.
- Soling World Trophy - (replica) awarded overall winner of previous year's regattas. Determine winner and ensure his presence at ceremony. Arrange for previous year's winner to present, if possible.
- World Championship Trophy and in addition:
- Individual race firsts - prizes for daily race winners (one for each member of crew) to be presented daily with a suitable ceremony and refreshments.
- Prizes of similar quality for top 5 overall (one for each member of crew).
- Replicas (half models) for overall winners. (one for each member for crew).
- European Championship Trophy, and in addition:
- Individual race firsts - prizes for daily race winners (one for each member of crew) to be presented daily with a suitable ceremony and refreshments.
- Prizes of similar quality for top 5 overall (one for each member of crew).
- Trophy from the Royal Yacht Club of Sweden for the Champion.